Ampeg Enquiry


New member
Hmm just wondering, other the Davis is there any other Ampeg dealers out there in Singapore? Cause I'm pretty interested in getting a SVT 4 Pro.

Hope there are others who can help me out on this. :)
I believe Yamaha had some Ampeg stuff a while back. I haven't stepped in there in a very long time though. It might be easier bringing in one from overseas - that's what I'm doing with my SVT-3 anyway.
Hmm so how much was the overall cost on getting your SVT 3? Cause I really gotta be careful on my budget this time round.
I got mine for about 1.3k-ish second-hand, if I remember correctly, but mine came with a complete set of extra tubes, among other stuff. Probably bit more after GST. You're probably looking at something around 1.6k+ shipped, maybe more, off the 2nd-hand market in the US if you want the -4pro.

Note that if you bring something in from the states, you have to check it out beforehand to make sure it has a multi-tap transformer inside so you can switch the voltages- if not, good luck finding a decently priced xformer than can take the SVT-4's voltages :/

(On second thought, maybe I should have gotten the -4pro... a little bit more for that much extra power)
Ok note taken. Fhew it's within the 1k price range. If you said anything starting with 3 I might have moved on. :lol:

Anyways thanks alot Superkicky.
No problem. Just remember that you'll need to get a good cab to go with it if you want it to sound great... which is still going to cost more :) And the driving license, if you don't have one already.
Was at Yamaha a couple of days back.They still deal with Ampeg.....and I did see a SVT-4 Pro head plus some cabinets back then.I can't remember the pricing even though I took a good look at it,think it's under 2K.
Went to Yamaha at Plaza Singapura earlier. Saw the SVT4 Pro. It's going at 3k+. Way over my planned budget. That's really sad.
well... look at it this way- the only difference between the svt-4 and -3 is stereo operation. admittedly, the bridgeable power is impressive, but chances are at local gigs you'll have PA support so your only concern is how your stage sound is.

what do you want to use the -4pro for and why do you want it over the -3?
hey, any1 checked out the new ampeg micro-vr lately? it looks sweeet and small.. good for my tiny room... any info on the price? :D
Check with Yamaha. They still carry Ampeg. SVT3pro is somewhere around 1.6k new from them
new $1.6k, include student discount? 10% + 5%?

cost if imported with $1.3k + the hassle, etc..etc.. $1.6k is still ok. gosh. i am still headless. going back to sg next week. to pick up the long overdue demeter and hopefully a head.

so J wanan go amp shopping with me? *grinz* LMII is still tops, but now i dig the GK stuff as well.
boss, LM3 coming out lah :twisted:

but i might leave the markbass camp to join the new kid on the block... tc electronics

but at the moment the US$999 price is keeping me at bay

did i go OFF TOPIC? oh yeah ampeg svt... with a p-bass, using pick right? :mrgreen:
now got LM3 does it ever stop... so u selling away your LM 250???!? *grinz*

eh RH450....usd$999 /faint
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so J wanan go amp shopping with me? *grinz* LMII is still tops, but now i dig the GK stuff as well.

I kinda have bad experience with GK stuff.... I've always wanted to own a RB-700II but after actually trying it out now I don't want to touch GK anymore.

when I tried it out, the sound is too mid-scooped. in a band setting, this sound is gonna get lost and wont be heard. There's a boost knob that GK claims will remedy this situation, bu ti tried it and no it doesn't work to my ears....