Amp for Multi FX

Sub: Haha. You always very agitated when ppl saw law suits are les paul. Kind of lar. Loosely.
Anyway, i bought my tonelab LE already, currently using it with my pc speakers. I guess the sound is fine, just need to tweak the settings a bit to make it sound decent. Its actually not that bad, very playable. But for laptop, i dont think so lar. The speakers most of the time cant make it one. Will have a lot of buzzing.
anyway, its best not to pair a tonelab with a tube amp, cos it already has its own tube, so the output will sound too digital if it goes through a tube amp. Best is with a solid state with good clean channel. Thats wat the person at citymusic told me.
Sub: Haha. You always very agitated when ppl saw law suits are les paul. Kind of lar. Loosely.

i aim to educate & remind. although i adore some Les Paul copies (Burny included), they are not one by name... 8-) i'm not a champion of Gibson's cause by any means.
i very much agree with sub. A Les Paul can only be a Gibson. Nothing else can take its place in the arena of music. I think most ppl here buy law suits, cos Gibsons are just too darn expensive. Its an alternative but not a complete substitute.
anyway, its best not to pair a tonelab with a tube amp, cos it already has its own tube, so the output will sound too digital if it goes through a tube amp. Best is with a solid state with good clean channel. Thats wat the person at citymusic told me.

that's a strange comment by the salesman.
why would that be strange? i think in the service industry you should not be looking to earn more from the customer by giving wrong advice. Citymusic is just one of the shops that have a good reputation. I would surely go back there.
but you need to understand that the tonelab series already has a tube in it. your statement would be true for other multi efx units, however i beg to differ for the vox tonelabs.
ouch, i miss the bus... but i think its not too late to chip in.

i'm a proud owner of a boss gt-8 and for me, a good headphone is enuff already for a bedroom player like me. and its not too exaggerated if say that's the BEST pair to MFX when practising at home! reasons:

1) mostly cheaper than any good amp;
2) like keyboard amp, it's FRFR (full range, flat response). the gt-8 has the amp sim features. unless u go FRFR (including direct to PA on stage) or use the FX loop (4CM - four cable method. See illustration), u won't get ur desired sound/tone. no need to tweak different setting for different amp. even if u plug it into a high-end amp, it won't sound the best without using the 4CM;
4) WYSIWYG. oopps, WYTIWYG (what you tweak is what you get);
3) silent, only u can hear it. neighbours won't make noise;
4) stereo!

save ur money for something else (like sonic maximiser or harmonic converger - these will improve ur sound. the difference is quite noticable to many) and get a good headphone. if u still wanna go the amp way, the best is still Atomic Reactor (tube) or Tech 21 Power Engine 60 (solid state). but again, how loud can u practice in ur bedroom?

anyway, here's the schematic for 4CM:

my 0.02 worth...
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