Most ppl get multi-efx bcos: 1. They wish to have 'everything' in 1 package
2. They don't want the hassle of having to keep so
many pedals.
3. The place(s) they gig at usually only have a PA
system, so they need an amp simulator. They
may or may not own pedals.(Pedals straight
to PA sound crap IMHO.
4. They'd rather have everything in 1 so that they
can find out what they like first, b4 going into
Therefore, if ur reason is number 3, a small 15-30 watter will do the job fine. But u wanna gig, a bigger 1 will be needed. At ur price range, i'm guessing ur targeting a smaller amp. The Vox Pathfinder 15R is recommended. Jus that it doesn't have a midrange control, and watch out for the horrible headphone output, most Pathfinders have this 'problem'.