All of paramore

I don't think Paramore sucks... I heard Hayley sang some acoustic songs live on youtube long before Paramore became famous and thought that she has one of the nicest voice I've heard in a very long time... Randy, Paula and Simon would give her 6 thumbs up man...
Aki S. Ian: You gotta remember who are the main audiences of Paramore. Also remember that many non musicians are also gonna watch the video. And how much do they know about gear? How much are they gonna understand when you talk about it in depth. ;)

thinking back yeah, you have a point...

anyways, the way i see it, if anyone is going to say anyone else that they suck,
look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you can do better.

if no? then stfu.
if yes, then good for you.
but it still doesnt give you the right to say that others suck
Maidendroogie and Dearxarson, i like your posts.

haha, very very sensible.

my turn now. :mrgreen:

no one makes noise bout Cranberries.

No one makes 'noise' bout Lacuna Coil.

no one makes 'noise' about Flyleaf.

no one makes 'noise' about Kittie.

no one makes 'noise' about Auf Der Maur.

no one makes 'noise' about Hole.

no one makes 'noise' about Barlow Girls.

but just because this bugger has orange hair, uses orange duct tape around the microphone and supposedly look 'chio', all our members steaming in the pants while the opposite members all so badly want to be her, deep down.

number 1 : paramore is rubbish.
number 2 : someone needs to tell the lead singer that there can only be one Brandon Boyd and its pointless imitating the art of taping the microphone.
aki tan arse, are u female?

if yes, do u believe in yourself to be part of a band, with me as your drummer, so that when you're looking at your reflection in the mirror, you can inhale, exhale and exclaim that you are indeed better?

are u willing to give yourself a chance?
haha i'll be jamming crushcrush this sunday! I intend to put a little shred solo at the end of the song....teehee
"look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you can do better.

if no? then stfu.
if yes, then good for you.
but it still doesnt give you the right to say that others suck"

you don't make sense at all
okay so.. let's say im a music listener. i listen to steven lim singing aerosmith. i listen to william hung singing. and i say that they suck. well i cant sing a single note to save my life. but i can still say that they suck, its my opinion.

i go to the movies... i say that hey Ironman sucked. well i don't make films or anything, i just watch them. but i can still say that they suck.

its that simple.
Im a big fan of cranberries,( i think her voice is unique. plus i grew up listening to cranberries)
and I admire Auf Der Maur. It is funny how she didnt want to be in showbizz, it was her dad that forced her and now she is who she is.

and my name is Aki S. Ian , it is not Aki Tan Arse.
oh well....

anyways i am not female.
and no, i know my place in this world. i dare not say im better.

yes william hung may sound bad, but he does have his following of fans. to them his good. plus its not proper for you to say such things. its disrespectful. you just cant go around saying something is bad without proper 'evidence' to back it up.
its like im saying my nieghbour sucks, but when people ask me why. i just say i dont know. does that make sense?

aint it proper for us to just say, "hmm, they are okay, but they need to improve on this and that,"
well it's not nice to say that paramore sucks but we sure have the right to say it. compared to so many other bands out there, paramore certainly isn't that good a band. not that i really hate them or anything, im ok with them. what i really dont like is the fact that you said "if you can't do better yourself, stfu".

if that is the case, why don't you go clamp down on people in the gear thread saying line 6 amps suck, stock cymbals suck, kapok guitars suck. and you can use the greatest line of all, "can you do better? if not, stfu"

if you want people to respect your opinion that paramore is the best band on earth, well you have to respect other people's opinion that paramore sucks. it goes two ways.
ummm noted. but i didnt say that paramore is the best band on earth.

and personally i do think there are better bands.

well unfortunately, im not a genius when it comes to gears so which i s why i rather not say anything there.

and there were no ,malice nor hate intended in what i said.
its just that theres alot of people who say that a band suck, when they are not even close that that standard.

"pot calling the kettle black"
"chicken calling a duck 'chicken'"
"a cat calling a dog 'pussy'"

maybe i shouldnt have used stfu.
it may have slipped my mind
my sincerest apologies.
its been a hectic week.
There is only one way to solve this fight.

Lay your soul down to the greatest of them all.

One band to rule them all

One band to find them...

One band to bring them all and in the darkness bind them....

This thread is gonna be locked very soon.

Anyway, Spencer of UnderOath tapes his microphone too. A lot of other singers do it. So why point at Hayley only?
Everyone is a copy cat. End of story.
And face it, there's no BEST band in the whole world. There's my favourite, your favourite and their favourite.
im sorry, this is not fighting.
at least not to me.

i have to agree with kerplunk
plus spencer is cool, and their videos are weird
Hayley has a great voice.. one has to watch their live videos. plus it's pretty catchy music too.. heh..
your LOTR thing was so lame, and unfunny.

Iron Maiden rules, but paramore is great in their own way.

you can go live in a Cave if your not opened to new music.

my apologies for jutting in, but seriously, what's the point of all of this hostility?

imo, say Iron Maiden and Paramore meet backstage at say, a festival, do you think they'll be arguing like this?
