Thats the damn trouble with singapore...we wanna upgrade our equipments but due to consideration for neighbours it sometimes stop us from getting the good stuff...arrghh
ahhh screw it la... i play loud enuff 2 be heard from the ground floor yet no one dare 2 complain... if u ask me jus keep ur volume dial at 4 o'clock posistion or lower and ur amp at 6 with 0 drive... jus rely on ur pedal 4 the dist...
was actually thinking of a better quality amp. maybe verstile enuff to use for future gigs yet not overpowering for bedroom practise. im currently using a marshall mg15
if you still love the MG15 but wish for a tighter tone, the stacked version is highly recommended. before anyone dismisses it is an extension of the MG15 per se, the stacked version has an extra cab & closed back design make marked contribution to tone.
but if i were you, i'd move away from the thought of owning another Marshall... 8) Peavey Bandit112 is a recommended upgrade.