Help 1 !i really dunno what pedal to buy for a rythemist lols , i have a very tight budget and still a 14 year old boy maebe can recommend me any cheap pedals for my pedalboard? a rythemist playing alternative rock and want to achieve like we the kings , sum 41 and etc ..
Help 2
and also i have a question of using a noisegate . When am i suppose to use noise gate ? when there's noise on my amp ? if it when there are noise on my amp , at home i use mine mt-2 as my distortion to play metal song but the amp do produce noise . I only use one pedal only .
Help 2
and also i have a question of using a noisegate . When am i suppose to use noise gate ? when there's noise on my amp ? if it when there are noise on my amp , at home i use mine mt-2 as my distortion to play metal song but the amp do produce noise . I only use one pedal only .