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Alright ppl. Im a noob. And i have a serious problem. Basically im using a aria lespaul copy. And my guitar neck is goin to give way. So i brought it to GC. They offered to fixed my guitar neck. and change my pups( my primary objective was to change the pups too.) so they offered to change the pups which are 2nd hand. Dimarzio fred in bridge and SD 59 in neck. Also included in the package was to lower the action. All this for 250 bucks. What ya guys think? Maybe ya might be thinking. Why not buy a new guitar? Haha. Simply because i cant afford it. and im a noob.
PS: thanks to kelvin. He was really helpful and willing to share his honest opinions. :wink:
what is the nature of the neck problem. at that kinda price, it sounds quite severe...

IMO if you forsee more neck problems coming your way, part with it amicably...
hey subversion: The neck connecting to to the fretboard..the part where its kinda like "peeling off". Anw its still playable and all. But kelvin sorta told me once he fixes it. It will be all good to go. Provided i dont drop my guitar. so yeah.
if you save on this 250, and pinch your pennies in the coming days, you'll be just in time to get a more decent guitar in the year-end SL sale.
Rockstars-Inc said:
hey subversion: The neck connecting to to the fretboard..the part where its kinda like "peeling off". Anw its still playable and all. But kelvin sorta told me once he fixes it. It will be all good to go. Provided i dont drop my guitar. so yeah.

sounds like your neck's tenon is giving way. it's definitely rectifiable but it'll affect your neck severely once the next mishap occurs- the reason why he warned you against dropping your guitar.

one more question- is your neck set/ bolt-on?
Just a suggestion........

You might wanna try getting a second hand guitar instead of repairing your current one...... Considering that it could be that the next time the guitar is damaged, it'll be a goner....

There's a Ibanez SA120 (I think) with upgraded pups selling at a very decent price on luthermusic ads, I think it's around $350? If you don't wanna change your guitar, then I guess you could go ahead and repair it, and use the pickups for your next guitar if the Aria LP is damaged beyond repair in future.
Take a Proton Saga, change the steering wheel, change the seats, change the sound system, change the aircon, change the engine, change the wheels....

In the end the cost of installing the mods more expensive then the car.

Might as well get a better guitar. $250 there are a lot of good ones. Unless you are saying $250 includes the price of those 2 pickups also. Then I say go for it.
Rockstars-Inc said:
its a bolt on. Thanks anw for ur comments

some considerations:

*proceed with the repair- bear in mind the chances of severe damage the next time round.

*it's easy to replace blot-on necks, replacement ones are available, $250 will get you a new neck. a new, problem-free neck- think about it...

*save up- year end just round the corner, some good bargains might just cross your path

ALSO: check if your body's neck pocket is giving way too. if it is, IMO, it's time for a new guitar...
I agree with Subversion's points, but from Rockstars-Inc's description of the problem, I suspect that it's a problem with the neck pocket rather than the neck itself, like the last point Subversion mentioned.

The neck connecting to to the fretboard..the part where its kinda like "peeling off".

If that's the case, and since Kelvin commented that the next time the guitar is damaged it could be beyond repair, it seems the repair job is only temporary......... which means that it could be cheaper in the long run to just buy a new guitar.
well.. if the deal still stands and ur willing to wait.. why not wait for the year end SL sale and see if anything catches ur attention? If not proceed to repair.. this way you can save ur money first and get the best of both worlds later
yea. or u could consider getting a new neck. it sounds pretty bad. do ask kelvin if the damage sustained is permanent, whether it's temporary or permanently fixable.
hey subby: body neck pocket? sorry for the ignorance.

mero: kelvin commented that once the neck is repaired it wont have any probs at all. Provided i dont cause it to inflict heavy damage. Haha. The reason why there is so much for consideration is also because the 250 package includes both the the pups. which is dimarzio fred and SD 59. (both 2nd hand)
keep the guitar i guess...
if it includes those two pickups + repairs with that price....

you can put those in your new guitar after this one breaks!!!
Rockstars-Inc said:
hey subby: body neck pocket? sorry for the ignorance.

that cavity which the neck is placed into, refer to pic below...


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