Not necessary to get exacts, get good quality ones with equal value.
The toasted ones look like
70mF 1000V
220mF 285V
Higher voltage ratings would be fine, not lower though.
Just ask the lady there for good quality replacements, ask her to recommend something that will suit it.
Maybe something along the lines of: " I got some filter caps that popped, these are the values, xxx , they're from an old amp, can you recommend me some NOS caps that are of these values. "
A better solution is to bring the unit down there for them or any qualified tube amp tech to look it over. From my experience, the family that operates martin electronics are genuinely interested in tube amps and audio and not out to make a quick buck. Their price lists are all open for everyone to see in their plastic folders.
You know when someone loves their work when they invite you to listen, chat and they don't need you to buy anything. They just want to share their knowledge with you. At times I just went in for chats, other times I picked up tubes for replacements. But always, they are available to answer your questions.
I can't say much about other amp techs in Singapore as I have no experience, but all my experiences with Martin have been favourable.