ad renewal notice gone crazy


New member
I received the renewal notice for an ad expiring in 2 days. Then I got the same mail again and again. You can see that it's sent exactly every 24 minutes. Maybe a stray cron job on the server?

update, another one received at 17:37. Please save me :cool:

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Hi carboxymoron

You are RIGHT!

I have just updated the Classified Ads software but forgotten to disable the ALERT/renewal function. Have since done it.

Let me know if it is still sending out mails.

Thanks for posting this.

I have stopped all cron job. Hopefully it is not sending out any more emails.
Thanks James, last e-mail received was at 20:02.

Btw the renewal notice itself can be useful, so hope you manage to isolate the problem, or are you just going to disable the feature completely?
We won't be using the Renewal function because all ads have to be deleted after 30 days.

Do alert me if you see any more irregularities.