Acoustic Bass with piezo/pickup


New member
Hi guys,

Acoustic Bass with piezo/ pickup = Electric Bass???

Been thinking of getting an acoustic bass... Anyone have any experiences with using one? Are there any things to look out for? Is there anything like techniques that the electric bass can do but the acoustic bass can't and vice versa??
the acoustics and sound on both solid body and acoustic basses are entirely different based on build alone. i would say electric's more versatile and easier to handle. acoustic bass is harder to get as loud as a normal acoustic guitar.
you know the differences between an acoustic guitar and an electric guitar? totally different animals right? it's exactly the same with bass. it's bass GUITAR, mind you
I think acoustic bass and upright are pretty different beasts altogether. The whole fretless idea. Very different.
ever seen those plug-in upright basses? i think ranking has a couple of them in their shop window. really classy