acoustic bass guitar

if you buy an acostic bass remember to buy an acostic amp as well. oh, sounds so damn sweet.. plugging in an acostic bass into a electric bass amp will not make it sound any different than an electric bass. you need an acostic amp to bring out that clean acostic sound.
anyone first Bass Guitar is SX?? using it...

it's a jazz pickup...boring....

it was my first time and i didn't know it was so heavy and jazz pickup with it..

now saving to buy new ...
WHAT? jazz pickups are NOT boring.

learn to balance the front and back pickups using the 2 vol controls. plcuk at the bridge. watch jaco! his bass tone is amazing.

jazz basses are the most versatile basses around. they arent boring man!

hahaha,when i started out,i use jazz pickup,and i always blast the volume,and i see them as boring shit
but when you able to adjust volume and balance it right like what Z3r0_G said,it'll give you great sound man,the bridge pickup can give serious amount of growl
ok... im using 8 for low
5 mid
0 light << as there's sharp noise which is dam not nice..

i know for pickup i should read the pickup forum....

hahaha...acoustic bass is so expensive...hahaha
I hope you've done your homework on this. Have you tried an acoustic bass before and know what kind of tone you're going to get from it?

To be brutally honest, if you're just getting it for the looks or thinking that you can play it acoustically along with a guitar, you'll be quite disappointed.