Abt Ibanez Gio Bass


New member
Im just searching for my 1st bass
Anyone got experience about ibanez GIO 4string bass?
can share with me?
Oops rather late here...
No experience with that, but my first bass was a gio 5 string. not the best, but definitely good enough for a beginner entry level.

2 pick up one tone, able to give you a decent range of sound, from P bass finger style to slap. construction wise was alright. problem with the neck but then again mine is a 5 string and i didnt exactly take very good care of it. sustain can be better but ok lah for that price.

i'm a big fan of ibanez, so i think you should definitely consider the GSR series!
i've not come across anything worthless with the Ibanez GIO basses, i used to own the short scaled GAXB, which was worth every cent in terms of tone/ playability:

Well, the ibanez GIO bass is quite decent. It's just that the action is a little high in stock condition.

If i'm not wrong, the price is around $300+ to $400. With that value, you could actually get something better...