About upgrading my guitar !


New member
hiie softies !
yeah anyway here's my problem.
i will be getting a 2nd hand guitar at next month,and i'm having some difficulty choosing some.
i want my 2nd guitar to be able to serve me through a lot of rock !
My problem is this, should i get gibson studio or epiphone custom? i personally love the tone of the nailbomb thats why i want it to be installed in my guitar.
the problem between choosing between the custom and studio is that of the wood quality and the manufacturing process. if both of them were installed with nailbomb, would they sound the same ?

and introduce me any guitar one your mind :D
It will probably sound a little different. However, I have a nailbomb on the bridge of my Schecter Loomis, and the thing I noticed about the nailbomb is that it has this distinctive 'wah' kinda mid-range bump to the sound. The previous stock pups (EMG 707) did not exhibit this.

So probably some distinctive sound quality of the nailbomb will be brought onto the guitar itself. I personally love it as it really brings out character and clarity on the lower strings, giving a nice gnarly bite to the sound.
I'd say go for the Epi Custom. I've tried quite a number of Gibson LP studios, and the tone's pretty muddy (yes I've tried them through diff amps as well) If you were to get a LP, just save a bit more and get a Gibson LP Standard, that one you can use for a damn long time, plus it's damn solid also haha.
yeap gibson standard. but it would be a total waste to installed a nailbomb on the standard. and the difference between the standard is MOSTLY on their pickup. thats why i would want to spend lesser on the guitar and more on the pickups etc :D
Don't think the diff is only on their pickup, the workmanship on the standard is way better also. If the only diff is the pickup, many people would have just bought the studio and changed the pickup. There's a reason why people prefer the standard over the studio (generalizing here, there's also the minority:) ) IMO tone wood on the standard is way better also, so you will get a more pronounced difference when you change pickups.

"The pickups on a guitar is just like a microphone to a singer." -wck

Give a shitty singer the best microphone in the world that costs a bomb, the singer will still sound like shit. But if you give a great singer just a decent microphone, the singer will still be able to over come the technical aspects of things and be able to shine.
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i agree with what you said.
in terms of manufacturing they would do the same.
but in terms of their wood,pickup etc they are totally diff.
But somehow for me i still prefer the sound of the nailbomb. That is why i choose the studio over the standard cause it would be a complete waste to mod my standard :D (IMO)
haha, no I said the standard had better workmanship. Don't think of it as a waste, think of it as a better investment, in most cases, if a player hears the tone that he/she prefers, he/she tends to play better.
in terms of workmanship, the studio doesn't lose the standard by a lot, maybe by a little since they came from the same factory under gibson. just that the studio is a cheaper and more budget guitar compared to the standard. It's just my opinion anyway :D
i would surely get a standard but not anytime soon cause i would like to achieve the tone that i wanted for so long :D
Better pickups can buy and change but you can't "mod" better workmanship and quality on the build. The gibson would definitely not sound the same as an epiphone ( plus there are other issues like tuning stability, feel etc..)
Since you already have a per-conceived idea of what is better, then just go ahead and get it. It's what you believe in that is most important. No 2 guitars will sound the same. Especially to 2 different people. What is bassy warm to me might be muddy to you. End of the day, go down and try the guitars, see which one calls out to you more. Doesnt matter where the guitar is made. China, Japan, US, Korea of whatever. In the end of the day, QC speaks the most weight. Can make in US, QC like shit will still be worst than "MIC"