About Overdrive effects


New member
Hey guys!
I've played guitar for 4 years now and have been using a Multi FX pedal. Recently started to build my pedal board and there's just this one effect I've had a misconception of and still dont know a lot about it.

What really is and Overdrive pedal? Do I use it as another form of distortion or together with a distortion?

I have never used the overdrive effect before but recently discovered that my MXR Distortion III is an overdrive pedal. Really appreciate if you guys can tell me what and overdrive really is! Thanks! :D
The main purpose of an overdrive and distortion pedal is to enable you to get a distorted tone without having to crank up your amp. To describe it simply minus all the technical details, an overdrive pedal usually sounds warmer, has less gain and the drive doesn't sound as thick as a distortion pedal(soft clipping or less saturated). It can be used as a standalone pedal, or you can stack it with another overdrive to get a high gain tone, or use it to boost a distortion pedal as well.

A distortion pedal sounds more saturated and is usually more intense and edgey. Most distortion pedals also sound tighter than overdrive pedals as well, making it an excellent choice for rock and metal tones which require a very tight and fast bass response.

There are also pedals that can act as a distortion pedal as well as an overdrive pedal. Take my Okko Diablo for instance(yes I'm shamelessly advertising it as well). Turn the gain down and you get an excellent bluesy tone, works well with both single coils and humbuckers. With the gain about 3/4 up, you get a killer rock tone and if you step on the boost pedal, it cuts through the mix very nicely and your solo can be heard above the band.
Oh I see. Thanks a lot for the information!
Almost everyone's rig I see has an OD, especially the Ibanez TS-9.
Not sure if I should invest in one, or stick to the MXR, or even get a Boss OS-2.
I haven really used it that often. Is there any specific song or parts of a song that I can hear an OD or a mix of both OD and distortion?
Well, my basic gigging rig would have one OD and one distortion. A tubescreamer is one of the most common ODs out there right now. Check out SRV and John Mayer to hear what it sounds like. But you also have to take into account that they're playing through really awesome amps cranked up. Listen to Who do you think I was by John Mayer. One of my favourite OD tones.

IMO, dont bother with boss drives. especially the stock ones. There are pedals out there with better value at that price.