A question from a non-Indonesian


New member
What songs do you guys have in Indonesia. Something traditional that everybody knows and can be played solely on the guitar? A song that when an Indonesian hears, the person will go like "Hey! I know that song!".
Bloodsolo : muahaha jujur lu..hahaha masa lagu nasional indo lu kaga tau.. hahah a hati2 di pukulin masa kalo balik indo.... muahaha.. in that case.. play ketahuan by matta band.... muahahahah

Oo OOoo... Kamu ketahuan .... pacaran lagi dengan dirinya ...>>> YouTube - Matta Band - Ketahuan

muahaha.. this band is the most criticized band tat they dun have talent .. but they have this "One hit wonder" that make them famous .. it is a very catchy song anyway .. muahahaha gd luck every1 sure love it...muahahaha

Bloodsolo..if u dunno this song.. den u better burn ur "KTP" and dun go back indo 4ever and become singaporean...hahaha...just joking..

Something funny covers of the song: (must see!!!)

YouTube - ketahuan
YouTube - uut permatasari - ketahuan (full version)
YouTube - Dangdut - Novi A: Ketahuan
YouTube - mike&rini - ketahuan <<<best cover by INDOnesiAN idol
YouTube - Ria Band - Ketahuan <<METALLICA VERSION..LOL
YouTube - KETAHUAN - an Indonesian Love Song (with my Nephew)
YouTube - ketahuan - matta band . band simpsons.
YouTube - sanjaya(ketahuan)
YouTube - ketahuan
YouTube - Margareth - Ketahuan
YouTube - konangan/ketahuan
YouTube - Ketahuan
YouTube - Dewi Persik-ketahuan.2008
YouTube - Paulinah Nada - Ketahuan

oK... TATS some of the covers...lol still got tons of it.. A song that the whole nation is singing to it.. hhahahah if u still dunno den.. i really dunno wat to say...
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