a post-rock lover's guide to classical music: starts 27/10


New member
Hi all,
this is something I've been wanting to do for a while, after seeing how the students' perception of 'classical' music changes when they are exposed to music they may not have heard before, and realise that it was not that different from what we listen to on a daily basis.
(TP softies, come see me after class...;))

So what's the deal? You can read about the project here

As much as genres are a limiting factor, the worlds of post-rock (or however you want to call music that uses rock instrumentation for non-typical rock compositions) and classical music have a lot in common. And the idea behind this project is to share some of these pieces every week. Some may actually be very popular, some less so, but all bear a strong resemblance to what a lot of us here are really passionate about.

Classical music from a post-rock perspective, in short.

So, if you love post-whatever and are curious about classical music (and/or vice-versa) you are welcome to drop by every Tuesday starting October 27th :)
Hope you'll enjoy the little trip back in time!
Sadly, not. Block teaching and all that.
I keep meaning to offer it as Block though, so maybe it will be approved in the future... :)
Hello! chanced upon ur post. you taught me french for a while back then, 2 years ago during year 1!

anyway, love your music! a certain affinity made an impact especially =)

any new recordings lately?
Hey, maybe we should start a separate TP thread, haha. But anyway, it's great to hear from you guys! So another sidetrack here: hang around the library level 3 podium on 2nd November around 12 noon...surprise...

ok, back on topic now...
I'm currently taking Music CDS. Didn't know mr.giuliano plays the guitar. And your compositions are unique and nice to listen to. Cheers. \m/
Mr. Giuliano I enjoyed your lectures so much! :).. But don't think you know me though, you didn't tutor my class back then. Is this music thing that you created still on? I am keen to learn more from you. Thank you very much :)
hey guys,

thanks for the feedback!
Yeah, this is going to be a weekly thing (either podcast, or at the very least a little write-up and the "track of the week"), mostly for fun. And it's not meant to be taken as a lesson, please :) just some music i really care about...
Nice first "episode" G.

Bolero had my hair standing by the 12th minute.

I would say the post-rock parallel to this would be Mogwai's 16 minute opus Mogwai Fear Satan. Same three chords repeated and layered and distorted to great effect for the final climatic ending.

And I think you're gonna get a serious amount of click thrus by the end of tonight since TSB retweeted your link.

Thanks, e!

yeah well, i always thought of Mogwai in the first place, maybe because it's the first instrumental that became really big in France in the mid 90's...

Did you manage to stream the thing though? it seems the progress is pretty slow... Not sure about the downloads either.

Feedback/comments? there's always next week and beyond :)
hi all

...for those of you who follow the weekly postrock guide to classical music, it will now be on every Wednesday...see you then!