A good way to get some basics in recording


New member
Yo guys, i found this on Soma's website, anyone interested? :)

Recording & Music Production Workshop: The Nuts & Bolts of Recording
Conducted by Songwriter/Producer Keith Kwok, a First-class honors graduate in Music Production & Engineering from the renowned Berklee College of Music in Boston, USA

This workshop will allow participants to experience and learn how a song is produced and recorded in the studio using today’s industry standard for multi-track recording – Pro Tools.

The speaker will cover basic fundamentals of audio engineering in a studio-recording situation: core functions and equipment of a recording studio, microphones and miking techniques, signal flow and signal processing such as EQ, compression, reverb etc.

To make the workshop more interesting, all these techniques and concepts will be addressed through an actual recording and production of a band. This will allow participants to get an insight and experience first-hand the various stages of production, from basic tracking, to overdubs and finally the mixdown session.

Date: 10 February 2007, Saturday
Time: 3pm – 5pm
Venue: School of Music and the Arts, Park Mall #13-13/14/15
Price: $25, $15 (concession)

Call 6336-3313 for registration.
Limited to 20 seats as this workshop will be conducted on a professional recording studio. Currently 5 seats left!
i wonder which recording studio they conduct. oh well, interesting, i got $25 to spare but i got recording on that saturday most likely hehe.

have fun
that ..... is a good question .... lolx

they never tell me to go to any studios ..... so maybe it's at SOMA itself?
its in SOMA itself, they do have their own recording studio, if not how can offer u diploma in music production n engineering? yeps, good to get some basics anyway, for just 25$, but dont expect to learn so much in just 2 hours :lol:
hehehe .... for me it's 15 =P ... student here ... .. lolx

3 hours! 2-5 .... lolx .... yea .. for the experience ... =)
how i usually learn is, when something is shown/taught to me. I actually don't give a crap about what "this is how it's supposed to be done", or I don't follow suit (unless it really works well) , but "how I can improvise the idea to do something else, or what ideas does it inspire so you can get extraordinary results that make ppl go "why didn't I think of that?" "

although it usually leads you to alot of pointless brainstorming, but the logic is, it takes a person to blow up 300 experiments that don't work , to finally get results of 3 inventions that will change the world.

20¢ worth coming from someone thinks outside of the book because he doesn't have one to start with.