A Band Called Dark


possible. acronym can the objective of whats written. but beyond that, the mystery lies in what u see. links to twisted minds could lead to somethin that'll amazes u.

Da Vinci Code....they say theres hidden agendas behind every tale that was told, hidden knowledge that we dont know, a bridge that might sumhow link us to an untold secret, treasures, technology, destruction, one mite not realise.

mysteries sumtimes are not meant to be unfold.

But only the Known Ones shall do so.
Re: er

Grain said:
Da Vinci Code....they say theres hidden agendas behind every tale that was told, hidden knowledge that we dont know, a bridge that might sumhow link us to an untold secret, treasures, technology, destruction, one mite not realise.

mysteries sumtimes are not meant to be unfold.

But only the Known Ones shall do so.

Does this includes the Universal Truth?
yeay let's do up sherlock holmes =|
or solve 'who murdered anne smith'. heh

anyway, what's with A Band Called Dark? is it a band called 'DARK' or 'A Band Called Dark' ?

a band called Dark - there is a band called Dark

A band called Dark - can be A BAND CALLED DARK just like e' band name " AS I LAY DYING" etc.
currently there is no band with this name.

meaning behind " A BaND CallED dARk " is what the myteries all about.

no conclusion whatsoever has been made prior to these context.

" think for What has been Thought, for in liGht years to come we all shall Be as

- these are the co-ordinates

seek e' truth
i know, the answer is " The Restaurant at the End of The Galaxy"

it's definite. i know cos the i punched in the co-ordinates to my hyperdrive and i found this place. awesome food man.

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