9 year old guitar restoration


New member
Hi all. I bought an Ibanez SA260FM back in '06 and since '09, it has been neglected. The strings have not been changed, it's been left out in the open sitting on the guitar stand, resulting in oxidation of metal parts and slight cracking of the fretboard.

Want to get it restored but not sure where is the most value-for-money place to do it. Has anyone had experience with SV or Ebenex Guitar Hospital? Alternatively, any other recommendations for electric guitar repair? My friend has a MIJ Fender strat that he wants to restore as well.

Thanks for the help.
Look for Beez.

Go to Beez.

9773 2633.

He'll take a look and then assist you if needed

I would actually love to go to Beez but he's located in the East while I stay in the West. Very inconvenient. I know he's known for his workmanship but price wise, is he significantly cheaper than SV or Ebenex?