7 string guitar

The paper i believe is just to keep the lower 3 strings silent and muted, since for the entire duration of the video he's just workin around on the top 4 strings.

Don't know the exact model. It certainly looks like a custom one off model with that single bridge humbucker, most probably the blaze II.
DAMN POO BEAT ME TO IT! DAMN Y OOOOOOOOOOOOOO lol... yes the paper is to mute the strings just like how reggie wooten use a hairband to mute the strings.. the same way.. ... anyway thanks for the video :D U WILL DIE EMAN!!!!!!!!1 *yngwie walk off..*
so to say.....ppl use someting else like hairband or paper to mute the string.....wateva for.....y just cant be like max cavalera(4 string) and just take out all those string that is unuse???????

dhalif------u thanking who?and wat is u die eman!!!!!!!!
(sorry just wanna noe)
I guess they still want the option of having the other strings available when they need them, hence not removing those, but merely putting them temporarily out of action.

Dhalif: Hahahahaha, i refresh the main page almost all the time. Besides i'm still young and healthy, won't die so soon! haha. :wink:
dhalif------u thanking who?and wat is u die eman!!!!!!!!

I'll help dhalif answer that since he didn't do so :p He's thanking you for the vid. Eman is short for my name, he wants me to die. Hehe. Unfortunately for him my time isn't up yet :lol:
that paper-muting technique is just one way, the hair band is another, in fact there are lots of ingenious muting contraption employed by players that keep people guessing.

the great Jennifer Batten has a dedicated string damper on her guitar to make sure all unwanted noise don't get in the way while she has both hands on the neck...