7-string Electric help..


New member
hello all, im thinking of getting a 7-string electric. Any suggestions of which particular brand/model i shud look into? All coments on 7-string welcome! :D
Hmm, you could check out the Ibanez RG7321. It's hardtail. My experience with floyd rose equipped 7 stringers wasn't a good one so yea.
I don't one. I just played a friend's 7 stringer as well as helped him to restring it. I just feel that it's a pain in the ass to restring a floyd equipped 7 string. I would suppose Ibanez has got the most experience in building 7 stringers, so yea, i feel they naturally sound, feel, play better. If you've got a high budget, grab the Ibanez Universe. Beautiful and sweet sounding. The cheaper one, with a hardtail, is the RG7321 which i mentioned earlier. The RG1527 is another but it comes equipped with a floyd rose should you find the need for a tremolo. It's prestige too. Yup. Hope this helps you =)
does any1 know the link for a pic of the Ibanez UV777? cant seem to find it on ibanez website... is it true that a 7-string electric costs much more than a 6 string?
wad do you guys think of the ibanez K-7 electric? it has a wierd looking tremolo system called the U-bar :?:

The origin of the 7 string dated way back in the 1930s for the jazz player to further explore what couldn't be done on a 6 string.

For anyone looking to get a 7 string guitar just for riffing, imho, its a waste of $. Anyway, to each his own. The feel of a 7 string is different from the 6 string, mainly due to the wider neck. Have fun and the pic of the uv77 is above
wad do you guys think of the ibanez K-7 electric? it has a wierd looking tremolo system called the U-bar :?: also, is it true that a 7string cost more than a 6 string electric? thx :lol:
Personally i wouldn't invest in the K7. Mainly because it's only got a single knob for volume. Not as versatile an instrument. It'll suit you if you never ever use the tone knob though.
Lo-Pro Edge 7 bridge , Edge Pro 7 bridge, 7-string standard bridge. What are the main differences in these few bridges?
How do they fair in terms of keeping the strings in tune & string changing?
the Edge trems & the new Edge Pro trems are very reliable in terms of tuning stability & overall performance. these are the ones to invest in should you decide to get a floating whammy unit in a 7string. if this is your first take on the floating units, be informed of the cumbersome string changing procedure.

if you don't whammy, get a fixed bridge unit like the 7321/ AX7.

the K-7 is an acquired taste. the guitar per se is excellent with regards to tone & sustain but the u-bar (the guitar's floating trem), is a question of practicality. it's not entirely a new invention, just a Lo-Pro edge trem with dual whammy bar holes to accomodate the bent bar. so the question is: do you have the need for such a contraption?

the single volume knob is another quirky feature but the world forgives the Ibanez PGM model for being likewise though- double standard? my take on the K-7 is that it's an impressive player but the endorser features contribute significantly to price to make it a real worthy purchase. and that K-7 inlay is a real turn off...
i wouldnt use any other locking trem other than the edge..the original edge7 i have on my 540S7 is absolutely fantastic,the other trems dont have the same feel or stability at all.
the new Edge Pro/ II units are performance worthy as well. it gives an option to players whether they want to cut off the ball-edge of their strings or keep them in tact. its less angular features ensure that your plam sits comfortably while playing.