7 String/Blackstar HT-5/POD - Melakartha - Progressive Metal song


New member
Hey guys, got around to finishing another Melakartha (my prog metal sideproject) song, after ditching about 10 song ideas haha. It's a different mix on this one too, tried to get more balance and aggression at the same time.

A little trick on the guitars - I love the bite that the POD has, but I hate that there's no definition, especially on distorted chords. So I did a couple more takes with my Blackstar Ht-5 lined out and mixed the signals in with the pod. Result = clear, beasty and defined tone.

Sadly, I couldn't crank the HT-5. Inspite of being a 5watter, it's INSANELY loud even for HDB levels.

Song is here -
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oh, have you tried putting the pod through the effects loop? what were the results?

Oops - didn't see your reply earlier sorry.

I am actually getting a POD X3 Pro from a friend of mine, which is a rack mount unit. I've heard that the Blackstar HT-5 has a fabulous effects loop, and I can't wait to try out the POD's modulation effects through this thing!
yeah! i'm also a heavy pod x3 live user, but i'm eyeing the blackstar ht-5 mini stack.

let us hear the new clip when your done!