4 Albums of Fantastic Music From Concord Music for FREE


New member
Dear all music lovers,

You can now listen to 4 albums of great music courtesy of Concord Music Group ( http://www2.concordmusicgroup.com/) by simply install OraStream Digital LP iOS app (we are working on the Android version now, will notify all when it is ready). You can find OraStream DLP app at http://itunes.apple.com/sg/app/orastream-dlp/id447633767?mt=8. When you are in good network condition like 3G/4G/Wifi, OraStream DLP will stream these songs at Hi-Res audio quality! So start enjoying your FREE Hi-Res music now! ;)

You can also discover some fantastic artists OraStream music app available in Apple App Store by looking for more apps from MP4SLS Pte Ltd or simply search for MP4SLS at Apple app store.

Thanks and hope you enjoy the Hi-Res music!
