New member
I dont like the neck. Nvm if you don have any recommendations for a 2nd bass, please no nid post. Not trying to be rude. Really
All the many places I've been telling you to go to.You know which shop sell
I made my decision. I decided to repair my Ashton AB900 and save the rest of my money to buy Ibanez SRX next year or 2 years later. I just have one qn. When I buy this bass, I didnt know the string gauge and at that point of time, it only has fret buzz on the 2nd fret D string. Then I decided to change string after the current one rust. I bought new string gauge 40-95 very light. Then there is alot of fret buzz on alot of places. Now I still dont know what string gauge is suitable for my bass but I thinking of buying a medium gauge string 45-105. Is it wise? And I also want to get my bass for set-up. Do I need to tell the shop owner/repair guy my long story?
Yes, bass strings are expensive. Then again, I'm using a 5'er, so on average a pack of 5'er bass strings costs $55 onwards usually.
So, is $27 a good price for 4 strings?
wow 55sgd? what kind of string do you use?
I use 5'er DR Hi beams only 40 sgd at davis, but that was almost a year agoI haven't changed string yet