2nd Bass recommendations?

I dont like the neck. Nvm if you don have any recommendations for a 2nd bass, please no nid post. Not trying to be rude. Really
not really being rude... just didn't know the reason for you wanting a 2nd bass. it would be easier for anyone to give you better suggestions if the reasons were clearer.
Get a Squier P Bass. Even better, get the PJ version. They retail just over 300 brand new, are a very safe bet, and should last you many years.
Is it the best bass in the world? No! But it's the best you can buy at the price range.
I also fancy the Squier P/J bass. You know which shop sell. If they really cost around $300, I might consider buying one
Thanks Turxile
As cheesedale said, many places.
I remember reading a thread a few weeks ago, mentioning a the shop across from Swee Lee in Bras Basah Complex.
A few shops in Peninsula also might be carrying these.

Since you already have a bass, don't rush; go try a few basses, and then wait till you find the right one.
Consider second hand, if you wait a bit the right one is bound to appear in the classifieds here.
I made my decision. I decided to repair my Ashton AB900 and save the rest of my money to buy Ibanez SRX next year or 2 years later. I just have one qn. When I buy this bass, I didnt know the string gauge and at that point of time, it only has fret buzz on the 2nd fret D string. Then I decided to change string after the current one rust. I bought new string gauge 40-95 very light. Then there is alot of fret buzz on alot of places. Now I still dont know what string gauge is suitable for my bass but I thinking of buying a medium gauge string 45-105. Is it wise? And I also want to get my bass for set-up. Do I need to tell the shop owner/repair guy my long story?
I made my decision. I decided to repair my Ashton AB900 and save the rest of my money to buy Ibanez SRX next year or 2 years later. I just have one qn. When I buy this bass, I didnt know the string gauge and at that point of time, it only has fret buzz on the 2nd fret D string. Then I decided to change string after the current one rust. I bought new string gauge 40-95 very light. Then there is alot of fret buzz on alot of places. Now I still dont know what string gauge is suitable for my bass but I thinking of buying a medium gauge string 45-105. Is it wise? And I also want to get my bass for set-up. Do I need to tell the shop owner/repair guy my long story?

once you get your bass setup it should be able to fix the fret buzz :D
You don't have to change the strings, but should adjust the truss rod first. Do a search in youtube and you will find lots of videos showing you how to do this. Search "truss rod adjustment" or "bass setup". You might as well try to do teh whole set up and adjust the string height, intonation, pickup heights. You can find great video demos of how to do these.

The previous fret buzz on the 2nd fret was probably due to the articular fret being too high, you can file the fret a little bit (but very little)
I think I still want to change the strings. My current one I feel its very light and not suitable for my kind of songs metal, punkrock etc...
Are bass string usually more expensive than guitar strings? Cuz most shops I go they sell like $10+ or $20+. Anyway, I'm eyeing the Ernie Ball Hybrid Slinky bass strings
Yes, bass strings are expensive. Then again, I'm using a 5'er, so on average a pack of 5'er bass strings costs $55 onwards usually.
Yes, bass strings are expensive. Then again, I'm using a 5'er, so on average a pack of 5'er bass strings costs $55 onwards usually.

wow 55sgd? what kind of string do you use?

I use 5'er DR Hi beams only 40 sgd at davis, but that was almost a year ago :D I haven't changed string yet :D
Thanks. DR neon are pretty cool too. I saw one guy in youtube use it and its kind of like a attention seeker if you play those strings especially in the dark
wow 55sgd? what kind of string do you use?

I use 5'er DR Hi beams only 40 sgd at davis, but that was almost a year ago :D I haven't changed string yet :D

Currently I'm using DR Black Beauties, got em for $60 at Davis. Will prolly change back to Sadowsky's flatwounds, or maybe try out some other strings..