24 sept 06 - Hoot, The Radio's dead


New member
Location: Gas Haus

Date: 24th September 2006

ES WAR EINMAL (Metalcore)
FACE OFF (Pop Punk)
VIVE (Pop Rock)
DR M's CONTRADICTION (Hardcore/Experimental)
SILVERTHRONE (Old School Rock)
i think quite a few people know Es War Einmal. theyre germans living in singapore, they play hardcore music. Face Off's drummer, Titus, used to play for Set For Glory and bassist Tristan is from Saw Loser. and i heard Dr M's Contradiction is pretty good too. might go down to check it out.
Whoa, i didn't know Face Off is tristan and titus. That's new. You seem to know alot lilrampage. That's cool and yeah hope you come for the show but thanks again for the comments and people replying to the posts.

bad obsession is new for sure. (formed arnd a week plus ago)

made up of the vox from musically deaf, guitarist from spanishfly, bassist from *ireallydunnowhere* and drummer from suicide solution.
well, its gonna be our first gig together.
hope it'll go well.

pls pls come down and support!!!

rock n roll and hair metal to the core!!!
sweet catch you guys there... yea face off is.. titus/tristan/ephraim... 3 piece pop punk... ive only heard of dr m, es war and HARLEQUIN MONOLOGUE before.... so it'll be interesting to check the others out...

ill post a pic coz bad obsession did it... :)
