2009/2010 Championship race: Man Utd or Chelsea?

2009/ 2010 EPL champion will be:

  • Man Utd

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
Well, with all due respect, i hope Benitez does go. He has overstayed already, and he obviously has no marketing credentials-buying Lucas Leiva, Nabil El Zhar, Phillip Degen, et. In their own rights they are good players, but he cannot harness them. Out of maybe, 10 bad buys, he gets one good Torres. And sells Alonso. Time to go... Maybe Roy Hodgson would appeal to the owners?
Whoa chill! THis is getting heated isn't it? Okay first, i'm a United supporter. But whoever lifts the trophy this season are probably NOT worthy of it. Chelsea lost 6 times, and United 7. A month back it could've been Arsenal's, so i'm just saying that ALL the teams weren't consistent, even United. So whoever wins, it's probably luck. Lucky that their opponents faired worst when they did badly. That's all.

So err... what defines a worthy league winner?
With respect to sub, I shall stop posting here and adhere to your nonsense.
You posted nonsense in the first place and now you want to run away? Run where? Manure hole?

And nice picture anyway. I didn't expect you to take the trouble just to gratify yourself.
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I agree with guitarsan here. A lot of manure fans have been slamming pool for giving the advantage to chelsea over the weekend. Well, if the tables were turned, would manure have done the same to deny pool as well? It all goes to show what sore losers manure (and their fans especially) are. Go & blame the other 36 games your precious team failed to capitalise on & not just on ONE game. I was laughing cos manure fans were actually hoping that pool would do them a favour & when they didn't, look at all the vile comments coming out now. Just barely a week ago, it looked like manure fans were ready to bend over to pool by mentioning the word "PRIDE". Where's your own pride when you can ask one of your fiercest rivals to win for you? Shows that the scumbags would do ANYTHING just to get a win. How sad....

And since we have to win the league to prove a point to you all, why don't your team try to KEEP the European Cup by winning it FIVE times to prove your point? Guess we'll take a break next season & let you guys try & fail.... YET AGAIN!

So err... what defines a worthy league winner?

A consistent team. Like Inter Milan. Look at the way they worked to defeat Barcelona. They've been winning titles for three years in a row already. It is a great display of consistency. However, EPL... Last two was UNited, before that was Chelsea, Before that united, and even more before arsenal... Since the turn of the decade no EPL team has won thrice in a row.
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accounting for one's team only implies loyal following. only loyal fans would be offended by the mildest of taunts. we try not to offend others but sometimes our OK is not so for other people... whatever exchanges took place here, hopefully we won't dislike one another because of our indulgences which are bound to be different.

it all ends this weekend. deserving or otherwise, one team will lift the trophy...
Guys this thread is for us to discuss about who's gonna win the league, not quarrel over whether Pool lost to Chelsea on purpose. Who cares if they did, or didn't? Even as a United fan, though, i must say it is United's own fault. They lost silly games, didn't seize the chance when they were in front of Chelsea and CANNOT expect Liverpool to do them favours.We are all fellow softies, there's no need to get into a heated argument over teams that are on the other side of the world, even if they are the very best.
Liverpool fans have the right to be peeved. Seventh in the table is, at the very least, a shameful result for a great club like Pool. But just as United didn't seize chances, neither did Pool, so in the end, this is where it brings us. And whether Pool lost to Chelsea on purpose... I sincerely hope they didn't, but only they and they themselves who know it. But they are jeopardizing their own Europa League spot if they did. And if they didnt, then good try, try again next year.
Guys this thread is for us to discuss about who's gonna win the league, not quarrel over whether Pool lost to Chelsea on purpose. Who cares if they did, or didn't? Even as a United fan, though, i must say it is United's own fault. They lost silly games, didn't seize the chance when they were in front of Chelsea and CANNOT expect Liverpool to do them favours.We are all fellow softies, there's no need to get into a heated argument over teams that are on the other side of the world, even if they are the very best.
Liverpool fans have the right to be peeved. Seventh in the table is, at the very least, a shameful result for a great club like Pool. But just as United didn't seize chances, neither did Pool, so in the end, this is where it brings us. And whether Pool lost to Chelsea on purpose... I sincerely hope they didn't, but only they and they themselves who know it. But they are jeopardizing their own Europa League spot if they did. And if they didnt, then good try, try again next year.

very well said JJ!!! it's just a shame that some united fans can't share a mature mindset as yours & have to seek to belittling other clubs. RESPECT TO YOU!!!
i would say wigan will not make it easy for chelsea, but i think chelsea will do just enough to win. Player for player, chelsea have a better squad in terms of depth. But i think the chelsea team is superior in terms of their psychology. Players like drogba lamps terry ashley cole have an arrogance about them that they believe they are the best, n they feed off it. They have more players who could really step up n change the game, like essien drogba lamps, n this season esp malouda.

Man utd is playing off rooney for most parts of the season, and altho valencia fletch n nani of late have been doing well, they r more support players rather then magical. Most of the play is still dictated by scholes who at most have 1 more season at the top. Altho we have seen him orchestrating the passes, he struggles when the game is played at a faster pace.

Looking at the bench, Chelsea have players who can come on n make a difference. But man utd bench is made up of players who are off form (Carrick Berba Anderson... etc), oldies thats rested, n young players who lack experience.

So i'd hate to say this but chelsea should win it, cuz man utd failed to extend their lead when they had the chances. But im still hoping
Wah down to the wire eh. Its been an exciting season and even as a Man Utd fan, i wouldn't mind if chelski won it, they kinda deserve it more..

But I will definitely still support my Red Devils cause they'll keep fighting till the final whistle is blown and if wigan can do the double over chelsea, the title is ours for the taking! can't wait till the matches start.

sidenote: i haven't been on the forum for god knows how long, but its looking goooooood.. :)
Wah lau eh. I think based on that performance alone Chelski deserved to win the league. Absolutely impressive. It just remains to be seen whether they can win the CL next season. And whether the WC will return a lot of dented players to their respective clubs. Already looking forward to next season.