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Singapore International Acoustic Guitar Festival 2012 from18-24 June 2012 is the first ever in this part of theregion. With changing time, this week-long event willwitness new compositions, techniques, speed andimprovisation & extemporisation skill, thus bringing theguitar to its limit by renowned artistes from across globe. Interested to play in the Competition? There is no set piece, no age limit and qualification needed to win fabulousprizes too. For those who likes to know more, don't forget to sign upfor the seminars/workshops and masterclasses in addition tothe concert series line-up every night. Join us for a full-time participants and received TMC VIPdiscount card, tuner, strings, festival T-Shirt, bag, 3buffet lunches, etc in addition to SURE WIN Lucky Draw formore fantastic prizes. An event not to be missed! Pls also help us to pass thisinfo to your friends & contacts too. For more details, visit or
Singapore International Acoustic Guitar Festival 2012 from18-24 June 2012 is the first ever in this part of theregion. With changing time, this week-long event willwitness new compositions, techniques, speed andimprovisation & extemporisation skill, thus bringing theguitar to its limit by renowned artistes from across globe. Interested to play in the Competition? There is no set piece, no age limit and qualification needed to win fabulousprizes too. For those who likes to know more, don't forget to sign upfor the seminars/workshops and masterclasses in addition tothe concert series line-up every night. Join us for a full-time participants and received TMC VIPdiscount card, tuner, strings, festival T-Shirt, bag, 3buffet lunches, etc in addition to SURE WIN Lucky Draw formore fantastic prizes. An event not to be missed! Pls also help us to pass thisinfo to your friends & contacts too. For more details, visit or