1st electric, help?


New member
i dont wanna be hypocritical and all tt [after saying that a bad guitar will still sound gd in a gd guitarists hands], but do me a favour and give me your opinions on a guitar im planning to get ok? its from citymusic, its a les paul copy from craftsman. has a maple neck and body, ceramic humbucking, and kluson diecast tuners. do you think it'll be any gd?
pick it up & give it a try. regardless of the brand name, if it has something for you in terms of playability & tone, it's game.

i'd advice you to try other variation of the same theme ie. try other LP copies by various brand names. chances are, you'd find that some brand names offer certain specs which would appeal to you.
what i'd suggest is u forget every preconception of an LP. haha cause the craftsmen one I believe sounds a bit different... not so heavy. It was one of the ones i scouted before i got my burny LP
preconception? like what? hmm, and i'll give trying various brands a go, but honestly cause mummy's paying for it i dont really have much of a choice. [and by the way i said mummy you'll prolly realise im a girl]
you mean the sound? about it not being not so heavy? cause i do knw tt bolt ons dont have tt much sustain as compared to glued ons.
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many people approach a guitar with an LP outline with the mentality that it's an LP anyway, but not quite. unless the manufacturer makes an effort to spec the guitar according to the typical LP, it would be off tone-wise.
what do you play?genre?the hamer are quite decent.some of them are priced at $300+ or lesser.i think.
yeah i knw, which was why i made an effort to compare the specs of an epiphone lp[i wouldnt go near gibson] to this lp copy, but i didnt have much info on the lp copy, so i couldnt make much of a comparison but as far as i knw it was a typical lp except for the wood used for the body, it was a lil off in tt sense. anyway, my genre? lol its quite different from the genre that most ppl play here? im not into metal and heavy rock and all that, it think the closest thing i listen to rock would be paramore or fob.
actually i have. strats maybe, but, dont mind me for being superficial, i think teles look weird. but hmm i dunno, strats? do you think timbre has gd copies of strats? just asking
tele is more of country-use kinda look.but i like it.the timbre strat is really good.as many of us would agree along with its decent price tag.
a more rewarding inspection could be had from these:



oh gosh, the burny one is gorgeous, but i reckon, the price tag would be too. and yeah the timbre is, i guess, good for money. argh, i hate being presented with so many choices, hmm think i'll go sleep on it, and soon enough too, cause im having a bad sore throat and a temp deaf right ear [blockage of some sort], so thanks for the help guys, seriously.
or you can try VARIAX while u are trying those craftsmen. It's the perfect one for people who want to 'emulate' any other guitar sound
Got the guitar alrdy, think its awesome, except for the stupid colour [i wanted ebony] now im trying to figure out the amp settings i'll try posting pictures of it, not too bad really.