1st Electric Guitar advice! please!


New member
im new here and i want to buy a electric guitar and amp my budget is about $350-$400 i wanna play oasis songs so what guitar shld i get and what amp shld i get and where to buy it? :)thanks
welcome to soft

with that budget,snoop around peninsular sc area
basement level,some starter kits at the various guitar shops located there

alternatively, check-out the buy/sell section of soft
could get some gems there.be nice and humble.you could get a bargain.
If you want to be like Oasis, you should look for guitar that Noel uses. He has Fender Telecaster, Gibson Les Paul and Gibson ES, if I'm not mistaken. Perhaps you can buy a Squier Telecaster with your budget. Remember to buy the Standard Series. They're the best in Squier lines.
If you want to be like Oasis, you should look for guitar that Noel uses. He has Fender Telecaster, Gibson Les Paul and Gibson ES, if I'm not mistaken. Perhaps you can buy a Squier Telecaster with your budget. Remember to buy the Standard Series. They're the best in Squier lines.

Wah. Start out on a gibson/fender. Only the rich kids do that. heh. The timbre andre offered is a good buy. But from what i've seen, most beginners don't like buying 2nd hand stuff.
i would certainly not recommend a gibby for a starter of course, regardless of his budget.
try put the epiphone dots, if ur into oasis. semihollows can come affordable too.
oasis type songs employ lots of humbucking tone (clean/ driven- more than others), it would make sense if you invest in a semi-hollow guitar, eg:

Epiphone DOT

however, with your current working budget, you won't be able to get a fresh unit, maybe scout for a used item.
go to davis guitar at peninsula.
beginner ah, dont buy those expensive one....
even me, only got cheap cheap one!
or you just search this forum high and low.
Buy a guitar that makes you want to play more. The more you wanna play it, the more you'll play and get better - and THEN you think about getting another guitar that again, makes you wanna play more, etc etc

For a starting guitar, get one that: (in order of importance imho)
- has a nice neck feel when you play it
- sounds decent when you plug it in
- has knobs and switches that are smooth and noiseless
- has no visible cracks anywhere
- looks nice enough for you to want to be seen carrying it
- is below yr budget as you'll need another $100-200 (at least) for amp, effects, etc
- has 3 pickups, which gives more tone choices than 2 pickups (although, if you like the sound of the guit and it's got 2 pickups - then go for it!)

I think that's it for now. Best is to get an electric guitarist fren to go down to shop with you so he/she can advise you as to straightness of neck, type and tone of pickups, etc.

One last note. Nothing against branded guitars like Gibson, Fender, ESP, Paul Reed Smith, etc. If you can afford one n that makes you wanna play more - go ahead.

But if you can't, don't fret.

I've played a friend's Fender Strat that costs over $3k, then compared it to a lesser known korean copy - and the korean actually has a better neck feel to me.

I bought a china made guitar (price less than $500) modelled after a famous Gibson model ($3000-4000, 2nd hand). It sounds nice to me. When i compared it to the actual Gibson at a fren's place, i could barely tell the difference in tone and feel. Of course the workmanship looks nicer and neater but for 1/6 of the price and little tonal difference, i don't mind playing the Hamer.

For now,
oasis type songs employ lots of humbucking tone (clean/ driven- more than others), it would make sense if you invest in a semi-hollow guitar, eg:

Epiphone DOT

however, with your current working budget, you won't be able to get a fresh unit, maybe scout for a used item.


Great recommendation...
i always thought that the noel from oasis uses semi-hollow like the gibson es. so u should get a semi-hollow.

talking abt gibson es, anyone has any recommendation? i m intending to buy one which will cost around $500. name me any brand, model, be it 1st or 2nd hand.
OK for a new guy I recommend you two choice..

1)Buy second hand guitar around <$300 and if you dont mind,buy 2nd hand cheap amplifier like micro cube e.t.c

2)Buy first hand guitar at also <$300 and brand new amp .BUT you would then realise that the FIRST choice is better as you can get BETTER guitar at its price..

For beginner i recommend you to buy cheap first lar untill you are ready to buy better guitar..
Don prove me wrong as I was also a beginner till now:)...

I hope you can get your first guitar soon...

P.S. Don worry upon buying 2nd hand guitar or AMP as people in SOFTwere all honest and give you the chance to try it first at his/her place..I hope im right..