16jan07: MUSE @ Fort Canning Park

I want to get Matt's guitar... wonder if they will sell it... lol :lol: anyway lovin' hell 2 days more omg! MUSE MUSE MUSE! omg i'm going insane! haha anyone have any info when they coming or where they gonna be or are staying...? i heard someone say they are already here coz it's their first of this year and they wanted to come here and take in the sights and sounds...
I absolutely want this if they have any merchandise from Absolution.


my friend got it. lucky ass.

oh well, if they have any BHAR stuff, i'd settle for that.

and like, 2 more days!! dammit, i'm preparing my shirt everything already, and rehearsing my lyrics so i can sing with grace. :lol:
here you go:

just in case you wanted the flip side of the flyer...

here's a note...
notice Carlton hotel is one of the sponsors... :lol:

EDITED: fixed image size
LOL! scargarden
i went to the sistic site and i managed to get tickets
then i clicked cancel

but wwhen i tried again 2 minutes later
sold out!

but i got my ticks anyway :D
i hope i can

wednesday i have physics and chem test. so all the more i'll try.

but last year kena caught so many times, until my mother ALWAYS thinks i lie about everything regarding school.