16jan07: MUSE @ Fort Canning Park

My band covers muse too. Apart from the norm, we also attempted Knights, Bliss, Stockholm. but we're pretty sad as our guitarist isn't really matt when it comes to vocals.
it's falsetto. :D

i cover the falsetto ranges. though i am really going to get into originals soon, i think i really need to start doing covers.

3 muse covers and 1 him cover in a session does not cut.

though i do admit doing covers of knights and starlight. fun to play along too.
have you guys heard of this band erm... monofone?

they're pretty good with the muse covers.. the vocalist can totally do TIRO.. falsetto and all...
monofone. yeahhh. they're good.
My band covers Muse too. Stockholm, Hysteria, Sing For Absolution, Starlight.
Whatever me.
sshaz-ni said:
monofone. yeahhh. they're good.
My band covers Muse too. Stockholm, Hysteria, Sing For Absolution, Starlight.
Whatever me.

I know monofone too. I think they're the closest you can get to a Muse cover band.