16jan07: MUSE @ Fort Canning Park

Anyone here is an NSF? Who's got screwed up schedules and prolly worried about not making the gig, even though you've bought tix? I'm one of them.
nutcracker said:
Anyone here is an NSF? Who's got screwed up schedules and prolly worried about not making the gig, even though you've bought tix? I'm one of them.

just keng! mc, funeral, whatever!
of course it wont be cheap..what the hell u talkin about lol

half of the cash these buggers make comes from merchandise and the other half from concerts :P haha

coz in the yngwie concert...each shirt was going for $30 and a set of 5 picks were going for $25 (YES 25 BUCKS FOR PICKS!) and the poster was $10 i think

i was like holy shizzle....but i got the poster anyways :P
nutcracker said:
Any chance they'll be selling hotdogs? i love them with cheese already inside. Non pork, please.
indoor stadium sells burgers but im not sure about fort canning.
well maybe hotdogs.
but i dont really mind.lol
yeah i know. i can't recall the oasis merchandise but i know it wasn't cheap. got a jacket but it's oversized :roll:

a hoodie would be nice.