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27 SEPT - ALTERNATION WK8 - Psychotherapy & Scenestealers

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The Lineup
The lineup for sept has been confirmed!

6/9/2007 Fishtank
13/9/2007 Truth Be Known + allura
20/9/2007 ALEC EMPIRE (GER, Digital Hardcore Recordings)*
27/9/2007 Psychotherapy + now open

Also our supporting partners are:
Outbreed, Mourning Sound Records, Wake me up music

with DJ MENTOR (X'ho) Vs Saito Nagasaki
and DXO new resident band Bureau!

LOCATION: DXO, The Esplanade
9pm - Late
$12 at the door, $6 for NEBO members
*Alec empire tickets are $35 presale (incl 2 drinks) from www.tdc.sg
Age policy
18+, but I DIDNT say you cant try

This week: Psychotherapy and Scenestealers!

Already blazing into its 2nd month, the sole alternative music platform Alternation is the definitive 'dark' night out. Featuring two guest bands each week and insane residents DJ Mentor (X'ho) and Saito Nagasaki, explore an aural and aesthetic clime with the best of goth/industrial/EBM (Dark trance)/Punk/Metal and more...

Supported by local labels: Outbreed, Mourning Sound Records and Wake Me Up Music

$12 entry (incl 1 drink)
$6 entry for NEBO members - www.nebo.sg

The purpose of Alternation is similar to HOD: to educate the public in the more niche music, promote local subcultures and establish a platform for local alternative musicians. I just did a short trip back to perth over the weekend and some research. It taught me that I was being a little bit close-minded when it came to emo: I was at a full fledged GOTH CLUB Sin and turns out that the global scene is moving in that direction, yet branching off in different ways to intersect metal and punk elements. The whole idea is to bring that kind of vibrancy to Singapore without compromising its aesthetical and ideological background. Without saying, I'll still be waving the Singapore Dark Alternative Movement (SDAM flag) for this.

Note: Only performers can wear spiked jewellry.

and also please: SUPPORT this platform because with consistency we could be looking at better funded and more interesting shows!

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//take note that the format for ALTERNATION is basically 2 guest bands each week:

//One belonging to an alternative genre:
Examples- Oshiego, Panopticon, A Vacant Affair, Objection overrule, Stomping ground etc
(metal/punk/goth/emo etc)

//and one belonging to a more radio-friendly genre:
Examples- Allura, Ivy's Vendetta, Caracal, Destroy all monsters, etc
(Rock/Hard-rock/indie etc)

This is so that we dont end up with a solid metal or hardcore line-up which has proven to scare unfamiliar newcomers away. A problem with event series is that the harder the music is to digest for those alien to the genre, the more likely we'll lose attendee retention :)

further notes:

//All listed bands will be paid the same amount (no negotiation, sorry. Yes if you whine about it, then dont play :), it wont be much considering weekly operating budget, but its much more than the payouts from G.H trust me on that. REMEMBER this is a weekly event - even though I am operating this on a social imperative, it has to make commercial sense, otherwise sponsors wont take it seriously, and we cant do it. Period. Sorry to sound so harsh but I'm a realist.

//And statistically, I'll even publish how many people showed up at each installment of the show, so you can see how well you do :) - there has to be an element of accountability, otherwise people generally get complacent when you pay them (its true... over 120 shows from Gashaus have taught us that :)
things looking good for this. Apparently some overseas friends are flying in to catch absence of the sacred :)
Hey Mark,

Joel here, just wondering. Does the no tattoos in the club policy still apply for AlterNation? Got gu-lan-tee I can get in not? Since I am technically banned from the esteemed establishment.

Joel Massecration
official update: I just spoken to my colleague sin yee, the club manager of DXO- as long as it isnt a secret society tattoo, it should be fine.
hey everyone- quite a number of people asking for august slots,

I'm about to tie up with wake me up music for the non-alternative element too. updates soon
actually i think psychotherapy might be a good addition to the lineup, that time at gashaus they had some good songs.
I lost the fellows number actually - skid I think his name was. if you know him, get him in touch with ben because he's org-ing the schedule :)

Basically, the poster design itself is done, its only the damn first month lineup that's pending haha.

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