Oh dang ...i missed that actually!A 100w output head, does not mean getting a 100w converter.
If you have not bought the head yet, please consider getting a local voltage one. I think primary you are getting it becuase of 1. Cost (cheaper) or 2. Not found locally.
But if you do shop around, you should be able to find something locally which is of similar features and tone. Contary to rants by kiddy peoples, the local stock are actually very diverse already. The cost of stuffs locally are also between reasonable to very cheap.
Shipping cost is not cheap either. So is the trouble of getting a converter and the strict regeime to using it corrrectly. One mistake, could mean costly repairs or a dead head. I am one of the few local amp techs around, and I can tell you, nothing I can do if you blow the tranny/s inside the head.
A 100w output head, does not mean getting a 100w converter. The thing require a much bigger power supply to drive it. Maybe even a 300watt converter is a bit risky. I reccomend at least a 500watt converter, esp if you get those cheapo china made ones.
Unless you are getting a boutique head, I reccomend you buy local better. Anyway, if it's boutique, it's a irony if its not least tailor to yor local voltage.
bring it down to randolf and check if the transformer inside can be rewired for 240v.
worked for my soldano.
Wa lao!! Lucky i never buy the Hughes & Kettner Triamp in Japan on Sep. Thought of changing the transformer inside
Hey Sef...did you try Zakk of Eastside Guitars? He does bring in the HK's I think , just that I'm not sure whether the voltage will be the same.
Can I ask why the Switchblade? Trilogy seems interesting as well..
Hey Sef...did you try Zakk of Eastside Guitars? He does bring in the HK's I think , just that I'm not sure whether the voltage will be the same.
Can I ask why the Switchblade? Trilogy seems interesting as well..
In my opinion, Triamp MKII is the epitome of amps. Basically a Fender twin reverb, Vox AC, Marshall JTM & JCM, Mesa Boogie Mark IV & Soldano all in 1 amp. Boost it with a SD1 or TS9, you will melt!!!! But it all comes to the speaker configurations that the individual has.
yea MKII kickass. but the price oso kickass
wun bring for gig purpose. too ex
Too ex bring for gig purpose? If you get an amp with the looks and the sound of that MKII its just a waste to put it at home or studio!