100 push up challenge

I'm already at week 5 column 3.
Got it from lifehacker.com. It's really great stuff.
Fast and simple. ^^
wow if only there was the 4 minute mile challenge or the 12 second sprint challenge.. Good things come with great time commitments

I will try this out though! haha
Hahah precisely why a 4min mile step by step guide would be good.

I would be rather proud of myself if i could do a 6 min mile..
100 push ups? Bleh...

I can still vividly remember the one "tekan" session that my platoon kena as punishment during my active NS days.. A total of 180 push-ups, accompanied by 5 sets of 10 pull-ups and not forgetting the 20 - 30 secs "hold-it-there" during the push-ups session... After that "tekan" session, everyone's arms were aching badly. 5 of my platoon mates reported sick the next day cause they cannot move their arms...

Wanna smoke also difficult, imagine the mouth has to go to the ciggs instead of the other way round.. Kinda comical but it sure was memorable.. :mrgreen:
Yeah, completed the challenge finally.

I'm not a pushups person, so if i can do it, so can anyone else.

It just takes some commitment, discipline and time. I'm sure we could all spare 30 mins every alternate day to do it.

Stronger arms? Perhaps, but i do feel a great sense of acomplishment at the end of every workout.

I guess that's what it's all about, injecting some feel-good into everybody.

Keep pushing people!
this reminds me of my army days.. the whole of my company did 1000 sit-ups non stop and w/o assistant!
Reminds me of days in NPCC...

while i was still in npcc, 100 push ups seems nothing...
But now, i doubt i can do 50 without sweating like mad
Eh.. No Singaporean has ever did a 4 minute mile before leh.. Yet..

are you sure? a mile is in between 1500 and 1600m right? some of the national athletes i know do 2.4km in about 7 minutes... I don't think 4 mins is impossible?
are you sure? a mile is in between 1500 and 1600m right? some of the national athletes i know do 2.4km in about 7 minutes... I don't think 4 mins is impossible?

A mile is 1.609km. Sure, sub-4 min mile is possible for them, but, there is no OFFICIAL record for it. I failed to point that out, sorry. It's not a standard distance in Singapore I guess.
A mile is 1.609km. Sure, sub-4 min mile is possible for them, but, there is no OFFICIAL record for it. I failed to point that out, sorry. It's not a standard distance in Singapore I guess.

wah lau. i think i damn dumb. all this while, i thought a mile was 1.2km. HAHAHAH. guess i learn new things at soft everyday. :D

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