ヒロト + van_halen fire extinguishing thread


New member
I'm about to unleash one of my greatest talents, and that's to say something neutral that no one has anything else to say. lol. a.k.a the "thread-ender" and the only reason why I'm involved in this is cos I was mentioned and the thread was locked that's why I started another.

Ryu Vs Ken

I have skipped most of the details about the petty keyboard fights, and who's ripping who off, and who got their facts wrong, and who's innocent etc etc , cos both of you will not have a life if you continue getting heated over this kinda issues for if you got so much spare time you might as well be practising on your music instruments, or so into debate start going into politics and do big things for the music scene get LKY to pump $1million into soft.com.sg. if you'd like to escalate this issue into physical violence, you might as well be fighting all the gangster kids who can't get over their poor childhood out there and go hang yourselves. no violence yes? so you want revenge on each other? well you know the best revenge is to live your lives well and know that each of you guys as much as everyone as here has "better things to do". Simply because there are 2 types of Singaporeans, the ultra BoLiao ones that stomp photos on every little issue or pebble in their pathway. and the ones that are planning an awesome trip to climb mount everest and take photos from the top.

SOFTies here with ripoff issues, can reduce the chances by being "selfeducated" and research better. deal items self collect at full address at either one's houses.

SOFTies here with (realistically speaking) issues on not getting along, hey, really, even if you were the nicest person on earth, there'll be someone out there disliking you for your "eee so fake" (even if you're for real) or jealous of your popularity and acceptance in human society. so if you don't like someone, or what they're saying, learn from it and ignore/let him do what he wants because he's got insecurities and your own life is great. It's amazing to have a passion in reality-check country so I'm sure each of you guys can just both step back behind the line of tolerance that makes this place work. even if you guys can't wait to break each other's limbs, just do what we locals do best - "Wayang". pretend to get along or IGNORE/bochap. Because each of your lives continue well without each other. Even if it's a public forum, go ahead say what you wanna say but just know the one who wins has his life with stronger beliefs, security and happiness. but say the wrong thing and james will ban and lock as he wishes.

lastly, to the people who have said how lame this forum is cos of the "noobs" that hang out here, I'm happy for you because you have something better to do than to "waste time" at SOFT forum. but you know you would still hang out here cos we are like a big family trying to help each other out.

ok i'm done. lock 'n' move on. dinner time.
Thank you for addressing the matter even when it doesnt directly concern you...
Yea i didnt join SOFT forum to start fights either, im basically here for the classified ads and musician markets...

THis is the first forum that i posted questions and got myself slammed in the face for nothing..
quite sad..worst of all that made me so heated up was the remark that i didnt know my stuff...

ah its over..ill move on if he does...if not this will never end...i bet you he will continue :rolleyes:
you'll move on if he does? he steals your candy you steal his? consider looking from this perspective instead "if someone takes my candy, lol it's ok. i can AFFORD to buy another. I'm not the one with insecurities." sorry to say man, but if you insist on your mentality, this will keep going on till you guys start killing each other.Then you will be the one with petty vengeance issues. and I counter-bet you, I and many others reading this thread will be glad we're not like you guys. thank you for assuring us of our happiness in our lives.

may you eat well sleep well
don't ask me.... ask yourself the same question with this generous gentleman mindset 3 years later. you'll be amazed at how much trouble you put yourself out of the way and dedicated that valuable time to a girlfriend / to your guitar / your band jamming or anything else that's better.

Gd luck with the closure and rock on , cheers man
it's really sad to see SOFT being a platform for personal insults & the announcements of personal tiffs. despite knowing the better, we are sometimes triggered to react accordingly; return the blows as they are delivered, so to speak- uncalled for but that's human nature, sadly. on a macro opportunity, world war could be started this way.

however, it's good to see people giving considerations if they are brought to reason. we are blessed with intellect, we CAN reason. keep in mind what the 'F' in SOFT stands for.

Ohwells........shit happens guys, the best thing we can do is to learn from this and not let it happen again. Many new people i've intro-ed here ask me why there are so many 'guide to posting about xxxxxx' in the forum, well to those newbs reading, this is exactly the reason. Miscomms are part and parcel of life, whether we choose to let them affect us really depends on ourselves. If someone wants to be a dog, let him. It doesn't reflect on anyone but him. My 2 cents. Have seen many and have been involved in some similar tiffs here, don't want this to be a common feature of our forum. Or else we're no better than gangsters looking to bash people up for staring at us.
The purpose of this thread is also to help new guys learn better morals and have more tolerance to your surroundings in life because it made me (someone with former anger management and physical violence issues in the past) better.all musicians I know are reasonable gentlemen and it should be spread forward.