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  • J
    Oh right, i kinda forgot, ERIC is a TWAT with JAMES TOO!!!
    fucker TWAT hahaha!!! you and JAMES and GODSPEED. All TWATS together.
    LOVE LOVE LOVE??? You TWAT GAY, censor all the F words as LOVE. LOL You F@RKING TWAT!!!! HAHAHA
    Hi TWAT, you son of a TOOT!!! HAHAHAHA

    Hi lovelovelovelovelovelovelove Twat HAHAHA, Best wishes to your moderators and admin SOFT and GODSPEED!!!

    All lovelovelovelovelovelovelove TWATS!!! LOL!!!
    Hi there mate,

    Are u in a band already? Cos my band is looking for a very strong groovy drummer to play songs fm Mr Big, Loudness & Iron Maiden. Currently, I'm covering the drums temporarily. Once you are in. I'll be doing the vocals.

    Pls email me at if you are interested. Thks.
    ivan email me @ coz my grp need drummer r u available to play wiz my band, if there any drummer email me or go to my website
    Hi Rudi,

    Just want to ask how much if we are going to have a banner ads here at soft?
    Kindly email me the details

    Happy new year!!!
    bro, ask u someting, i intend to buy a kit but iam worried bout my neighbors and cn u rate me a carlos kit as for practicing only? tnx
    Hi Rudi,

    How are you? long time no see.. I just want to ask a favor if you can make sticky my last post "1st International Pinoy Music festival". Hope you can come as my guest as well. Thanks
    hay Raymond!
    thanks for your invitation to the meet-up
    but this week my church needs me to play drums so i have to go rehearse this sat 5pm, so sorry man, i should let you know earlier...
    next time!

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