Recent content by sef

  1. S

    100V to 230V transformer

    getting 100W gtr amp head frm japan. but japan's operatin voltage 100V, unlike SG 230V. any1 know where to buy transformer for such usage? thx
  2. S

    rio grande or bare knuckle

    cant decide on rio grande BBQ bucker or bare knuckle VH II it'll be install on my epip elite SG's bridge. kinda unhappy with the stock pup though i like the thick tone but it lack of sustain. lookin for new pup dat's got lotsa bass & mids, juz enuff treble retain clarity. high o/p but not...
  3. S

    Dimarzio tonezone VS Dimarzio breed

    i got a les paul similar guitar. juz wonder which PUP iz better. dis guitar iz mainly for rock songs, i got my really high o/p PUPs (EMG81)for my metal songs. so i'm lookin sumthin which iz not not dat super high o/p. i need sumthin dat can gimme decent cleans & nice thick dist. i like lotsa...
  4. S

    good monitor headphones & speakers

    ello i juz bought line6 toneport UX2. lookin for good monitor headphones for my recordin demos. budget ard $150. any recommendations? thks i oso saw sum gd reviews abt tapco S5 monitor speakers(luthermusic sellin @ $580). i mite wanna get S8.
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    fender jaguar

    hi anybody knows well abt jaguar or jazzmaster?? juz wandering how dose switches works, i know its for switch btw parallel & series PUs. but how does parallel sound? how does series sound? since it got all dis parallel series connection, can i change the stock PUs to normal PUs?? i lookin...
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    musicman sub series

    hi, jus wonderin where's musicman sub bass made?? isit korea?? is sub series the cheaper series of musicman (like LTD & ESP, gibson & epiphone, fender & squier)? hows the quality of sub series??
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    most powerful pickup & configuration

    hi, juz wanna compare Dimarzio's x2n, EMG81, seymour duncan livewire heavymetal(cant get it in s'pore)........i haf x2n & EMG81. i tot x2n iz not bad has quite balance tone(bass5,mid6.5,treble6.5 from EMG81 more powerful den x2n but 2 much treble, doesnt sound gd when clean but...
  8. S

    good guitar teacher(wanted)

    :D hi need any recomandation for good local guitar teacher or class. thanx