Recent content by gyaradozz

  1. G

    Good Virtual Keyboard / Piano software can prerecord scales

    Hihi, does any1 knows of any good virtual keyboard / Piano software that can do the entire major scale.... C, C#, D etc etc.. (e.g C scale : Do Re Mi Fa So Fa Mi Re Do) kind of stuff when I was in Hark music, the instructor uses the keyboard to do the major scale and I vocalize according...
  2. G

    David Lucas Burge Perfect Pitch

    Hihi, did anyone purchase this David Lucas Burge Perfect Pitch series? Is it good? Pls advise Thanks! gyaradoz
  3. G

    How to train "Qi" or singing breath?

    hihi, anybody can share with me what is the BEST way to train "qi" or singing breath ... I have been doing the "sssss" sound (i.e. pushing air out from my stomach, diaphram(sp) ) and also do lip thrilling..and have been doing for months but still find my qi or my singing breath very weak...
  4. G

    Guitar Music Sense

    Hihi, does any1 have any good ideas, methods and ways to recommend me to how can I train my Guitar Music Sense? i.e. so that I am able to catch the Key, and notes of the songs, and also the chords from any songs I hear from the radio.. Pls help..I am desperate to train this Music Sense..
  5. G

    Any good Guitar bookstores to recommend me?

    Hi, Does any1 has any good Guitar bookstores(In Singapore) with a huge collection on Guitar books? As mentioned before, I would like to read and understand about major, minor chords, and the scaling stuff... Pls help..Thanks!
  6. G knows if this is good?

    Hihi, is any1 taking lessons frm this website. If so, is it any good? Cheers
  7. G

    How to improve my listening and knw wat chords and notes?

    Hihi, any body knws hw can I improve my listening and be able to identify what chords AND notes of any song from the radio? Any tips how to work on this area? Thanks and Cheers!
  8. G

    Scales and Chords.. Is it useful to memorize the Scales?

    Hi, I am relatively new to scaling...and have been practising some for the past week.. however, I wud like to knw if memorizing the scales is indeed useful? Can any1 give me some advice which scales should I first concentrate and memorize on? Cheers
  9. G

    Music Theory and Western notations books for Guitarists

    Hi, > I want to know more about Music Theory and Western notations..... > I also like to know more about the Major and Minor chords and their related relationships.. Does any1 knows where got sell such books? Can any1 also recommend me the title of the books that you recommend me...
  10. G

    any good Singing and vocals forums?

    Hi, I am looking ard for forums where there are good tips and community to help me improve my singing and vocals? does anyb knw of any such forums ard?