"Yan Jue [Piano Man] World Tour" Tickets For Sale Cheap!!!


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Hi, I'm offering tickets to the spectacular not-to-be-missed "Yan Jue [Piano Man] World Tour In Singapore 嚴爵 [鋼鐵情人] 新加坡演唱會" on Sat 25 Jan 8pm at Singapore Indoor Stadium for sale cheap!!!

UP : S$ (148 + 4) = S$ 152 each or S$ 304 a pair (Including $4 Booking Fees)
SP : S$ 125 each or S$ 250 a pair (You SAVE S$ 54 a pair for nothing!!!)

Since you're catching this highly anticipated one-of-a-kind extravaganza anyway, why not save some money in the meantime? If you, your friends, colleagues, relatives or families are interested, do sms me NOW at 9-3-2-9-7-0-1-6 as the ONLY pair of tickets are strictly available on a FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED basis. Thankx :)

Synopsis :

In 2010, Taiwanese songwriter-singer, Yan Jue released his debut album that received accolade from various music critics and celebrities and also gained him several music awards. Within a short period of 88 days after the successful debut, he had his first-ever concert at the National Taiwan University Sports Centre. Subsequently, Yan Jue’s 2nd and 3rd album continue to produce best-selling singles, bringing him further in his music career. His unique music style has given him a distinct competitive lead among fellow musicians in the industry.

Shortly after the release of his 4th album in 2013, Yan Jue kicked start his World Tour at the massive Taipei Arena, a dream stage for all performing artistes. As music and creative director of his World Tour concert, Yan Jue is all out to work out surprises for his fans. Besides making re-arrangement to the concert song listing, Yan Jue will also challenge himself to dance!

For an impressive stage design, a huge intertwined steel ring structure will be specially-built for the concert. At a juncture, the piano will be lifted off the stage floor and be suspended in mid-air with Yan Jue performing some of his popular titles. Fans can also enjoy interactive elements such as the LED ‘hearts’ which will be used to light up the stadium during the concert.

Come 25th January, Yan Jue [Piano Man] World Tour will be here live at the Singapore Indoor Stadium! Do not miss this one-night-only music extravaganza!



2011、2012分別發表創作專輯《不孤獨》,《單細胞》,創造暢銷單曲 [好的事情],[暫時的男朋友],樹立爵式風格流行音樂,在亞洲華人歌壇一席之地。2013發表全新作品《好的情人》並踏上夢想殿堂“台北小巨蛋”,舉辦個人售票演唱會 [鋼鐵情人]。在大受好評的演出後,開始展開亞洲巡迴旅程,朝全方位創作藝人目標前進。

這次演唱會嚴爵將親自擔任音樂及創意總監, 絕對會使盡“爵”招驚喜! 除了將演唱會所有曲目重新編曲, [鋼鐵情人] 演唱會上也將打造「時光漩渦鋼鐵擂台」, 特製「飛天鋼琴」在跑道騰空起飛, 並透過世界首顆互動式 LED螢光心臟和全場歌迷心心相印! 嚴爵也將在演唱會上首度挑戰自己最大的罩門[舞蹈] 搭配屬於嚴爵的[爵式舞曲] 相信屆時而一定能展現歌、舞、劇三管齊下的視聽震撼!

來臨1月25日, 嚴爵 [鋼鐵情人] 新加坡演唱會, 第一次的正面對爵, 大家”爵”對不能錯過!

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