WTT: PedalworX HellBilly (Tone Factor exclusive)


New member
For those who don't know, PedalWorx was the company through which famed builder Bob McBroom sold his famed fuzz pedals. For those who do know, you should know how awesome his stuff are and how hard it is to come across any of his wares these days.

This one in particular is a regular (not "Hot") HellBilly, only made available for purchase through Tone Factor. It is a hybrid fuzz pedal (Ge input, Si output). It is also technically the bastard child of a 60s Fuzz Face and a Dallas Rangemaster. Rolling the tone knob all the way to the left gives you Hendrix while bringing it all the way to the right gets you Brian May.

Hoping to trade it for a Tone Bender Mk II Pro clone (if you happen to own that cream-coloured Tone Bender clone from MorningstarFX that used to sit at Ebenex, DO consider contacting me if you're interested). Not for sale though as I've yet to settle on a reasonable price. Interested parties can reach me t 9070 9160.

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