WTS: IBANEZ SB7 Bass Synth, Wholenote reverb rv-80 and Boss LMB-3


New member
hi all,

im selling my Ibanez SB7 Bass Synth for $65. demo > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLeZZCSiU5M

Next, Wholenote reverb rv-80 pedal, bought at GC for $100, selling for $70. The RV-80 is a high-quality. multifunction digital reverb effect. has Spring, plate, hall, room, gate and modulate reverb. built like a tank.

More info at http://www.effectsdatabase.com/model/wholenote/e20/rv80#ixzz2ASsFWCQ3.

Lastly, BOSS LMB-3, limiter enhancer pedal for $70. DEMO > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWmk-PIy4xg

Grab all 3 at $170! both pedal comes with box

Deal at Central area > Tpy Mrt, Boon Keng Mrt, Lavender Mrt, Marymount Mrt, Newton Mrt.
Contact me @ 82005990.

forgot to add the condition of the pedals:

ibanez SB7 : 7.5/10
wholenote reverb: 9.5/10
LMB-3: 9/10