WTS: 2 Semi-Acoustic Basses


New member
Ibanez AEB10E - $300

Godin Acoustibass 4-string, unlined fretless - $500

Watsapp / SMS me at 92736541 for details.
SOLD Re: WTS: 2 Semi-Acoustic Basses

Ibanez AEB10E - $300

Godin Acoustibass 4-string, unlined fretless - $500

Watsapp / SMS me at 92736541 for details.

We all know these basses were priced to move on the cheap.
It was no surprise that they received so many enquiries and both basses were finally sold to 2 sincere buyers who made time to come by and try them.
The Godin was sold to a gentleman who came to deal at 2am in the morning. Serious.
Thank you to both and to the rest who have shown interests.