WTB - Steinberger headless bass (4 string)

FYI headless steinberger bass ae hard to find or very expensive at least 2k,spirit steinberger at least 600give a call to Davies guitar ,once a while they have a headless Hohner bass or guitar price at about 950for synapses be like me order from oversea
Thanks Alias.....yup i saw the Hohner B2B at Davis...its at 950....they didnt have the better model B2A

Where did you buy / order your Steinberger Synapse?

Thanks for sharing.... =D
Bought from eBay the synapse guitar, I am now having the B2A bought used at 700 from KL and sold my b2 at 500 2 years back,so roughly that I think is the benchmark price ,good luck on your hunt
Got my reply from MusicianFriend....says Steinberger doesn't allow shipping out of USA....only allow shipping for preowned.

Looks like the other option to get a good preowned Synapse is at Headless USA.
i've got a hohner b2a. and i've tried a couple of spirits. swear by the hohner, and i bet many others would too.

HUGE sound for a tiny bass, with great tonal versatility.

it would take a heck load of persuading to have me sell mine though, unless you can find me a 5 stringer, then perhaps we can do a 3-way.
i've got a hohner b2a. and i've tried a couple of spirits. swear by the hohner, and i bet many others would too.

HUGE sound for a tiny bass, with great tonal versatility.

it would take a heck load of persuading to have me sell mine though, unless you can find me a 5 stringer, then perhaps we can do a 3-way.

Thanks Jamesoy.....btw how is a Hohner B2B....?
I've tried both and I sold the b2b after I played the b2a ,really cannot compare,be patient and wait,I waited for about 2 years