wmum overdrive pedal and baybeats


New member
Baybeats 04, opening nite was great. Saw some pretty rocking action at the arena and electro/indie/melodious stuff at the chillout stage. I like the sound of sgt weener arms's set at the chill out stage. Although there were some blunders, but overall, i like their music. Melodious post rock stuff.

Down at the "village", as they call it. There is a booth showcasing the newly launch wmum OD pedal for shootout, together with couple other overdrive(fulltone fd2, VL sparkledrive, hotcake, BJF baby blue if not wrong and a ibanez TS)

On trying out the wmum overdrive, i find that its comparable to some of the "boutique" od pedals out there. Can get a clean boost to warm crunchy od to some hard driving tone and yet not over "colouring" the original guitar tone. At the point of testing, the only thing which i find not to my preference is that when turning down the vol knob on the guitar, the overdrive tone dont really clean up. Maybe it could be of other factors. I have order one of it and when it comes in, will try to have more time with it and hopefully a better review.

Anyone interested in overdrive pedal should check this pedal out. Its only available in limited quantity as every pedal is handbuilt by the maker himself(on order) and serialised(if you are into that :D ). As for how much, currently on special intro price during baybeats. Check it out at the booth. Although its higher than normal mass produced od pedals, personally i do find that its a reasonable price considering the effort into making it, hand built and such. If this is a made in US pedal, it might have cost more, imho.....

Here are the pics:



The 3 knobs on top are pretty much standard for any ovderdrive pedals. The pre gain knob is a nice touch on this pedal. Bascially its for more gain and frequency response to enhance the upper harmonics for sweet sustain, as the spec sheet put it.

From the spec sheet:

-highest quality components used to ensure consistent and reliable tone
-Metal film resistors for precision and low noise
-Non electrolytic/tantalum capacitors in audio path for reduced coloration
-Hi quallity turned pin sockets for easy user mod of opamp chip(pretty cool, imho :D )
-Low noise hi bandwidth opamp used for extra clarity and punch
-True bypass switching with bridge white lediindicator and using 3pdt switch
-Full size UK made meggitt pots for durability and excellent turning feel
-18v operation ok, for higher headroom needs(can be operated fro 9v-18v)
-DC jack socket and battery enabled
-cast aluminum enclosure
-Hand made, pedal serialised and dated by the maker himself

Lastly, iam in no way associated with the biz/sale of this pedal. Iam just into pedals and the maker, edwin, indeed does have some pretty good ideas in his effect. Support local :D
yeh support local pedal!!! good write up, 44oj..

n i loved phorous n the opening band.. aloe in the bottle..
ah, first nite i missed the aloe in the bottle set. Phorus got some groovy music going on there. There was a dude infront of me kept swaying to the music in a, hmmm, girlie way and weird thing is, think his mum or maybe auntie besides him trying to talk to him and he kept holding the hand held cam filming and swaying away. Sorry pal, if you are reading this. I was quite amused by you :D

2nd nite, most impressed(and got their 3 songs cd in the end) with the furniture's music at the chill out stage, the guitarist playing with the delay pedal as part of the music is quite nicely done too. Force vomit set was pretty good too, imho

Special mention to objection overule. Think they are the only band on the 2nd day which managed to squeeze the most songs in a 30mins+ set. Pity those punks who were out on site but cant "dance " too violently and ended up like on a parade of fashion instead :lol: Sercurity in the arena stage seem too tight with the police and security standing by to cut out any sight of moshing and stuff.
Yes but did anyone see the falungong demonstration under the bridge? By far the most daring of anything these punk rockers can put out!
i liked the aspiditra fly set as well.. on the whole, i loved the chillout stage sets.. they all have amazed me.. and the crowd was out in full force..
the analog girl was quite interesting as well.. imo, it was pretty bjorkish..
Her vocals weren't really bjork like, more an industrial goth slant. They should really bring in some good electronic acts like tujiko noriko, snd or vadislav delay. The speakers were also wholly underpowered. Hopefully next year will be a lot better!
just caught electrico n astreal tonight.. pretty good.. electrico sounded even better than before with amanda on keyboards..

my favourite though, is still phorous..
yeah, enjoy electric co set too. And astreal was really rocking. Love the guitar tone with the effect.

Last day choice of band for me are astreal and muze. Muze kind of mars volta-ish, i like :D

Couple of cds that i got during the event

aspiditra fly ep(nice packaging), like their sound on the cd. As for their live set, didnt really enjoy it as much as the ep...

Furniture 3 songs cd-Best cd for me among the few i got. Cant stop listening to it. Gotta find way to get thier full album when its out.

aloe in a bottle and muze split

Wallwork compilation

Astreal ep