Wire on back of guitar

DarknessFury said:
Oh...where should it put connected to? It's broken...not sure who snapped it off...

quick alert the authorities to do a complete investigation into who commited this heinous act... :?
fgl, you're lame. he's asking where the wire should be connected to, not who disconnected the wire.
darryl - if U know of the witty repatee that me & darkness always have here in the forums - in jest, that is - U'd realise that your post is lame....
nope - not fierce, merely point out da facts.. early mornin joke2 also cannot....?
Which side is broken off? Or both side broken?
If it's not connected to the spring claw, then solder it back onto the spring claw.
If it's connected to the spring claw but the other part is not connected, then open up and see.
If can see where it broke off then lucky you, jsut solder back there.
If cannot then you'll have to know where ground is and solder it there.

Or take picture then we tell you.
solder on any pot that has another wire soldered to it, common engineering sense, if there somesolder on the back of a pot, its definitely the ground, any1 care to dispute me? heehee :lol: