which song and when did you heard it..


New member
Okay,here is another thread.

which song when you heard it makes you go "WTH!?" and when/where did you heard it?

Can be any song from any period.
It's gotto be Andy McKee's rendition of Toto's Africa. He's a monster on the Acoustic Guitar. Search him on you tube. His guitar playing makes a grown man cry.

Choice Mate!
Blink 182 - When You Fucked Grandpa

hahahah that song exposed more of blink 182 to me. no pun intended.
There was the good 'WTH' and the bad 'WTF'....

Good 'WTH'....Hangar 18 from Megadeth...'nuff said

Bad 'WTF'.....that year 2000 era where they had all the cheesy dance tracks....i.e. Dr Bombay...something like Taxi Driver or some shit...and this other one that I heard them playing at HMV again...that "ai-yai-yai...you're my little butterfly.."

Like seriously!
hahah okok my turn. i was changing channels on tv la. then i heard this song, "I AM YOUR BROTHER!!! BEST FRENS FOREVER!!" on american idol. i was like WTH?!! the dude power sia his costume HAHHA
Haha! confirm,when you can play cacaphony or rising force..and you go shopping with your gf or mom and here comes Rihanna's umbrella,ela,e,e,e,e..." WTF man~ give my mind a break!