Which instrument is the easiest to learn?


New member
As stated above..

Which is the easiest?

I think it will be drums. because you can practice the coordination bit even by tapping on your lap.
or if you want something that makes melody, perhaps a recorder? I don't know whether do they still teach in sch nowadays...
I don't find drumming any easier than other instruments. In fact, I find it more difficult than the guitar and bass. Also making it frightening is that you're the one keeping time for the band, and everyone is following you. One serious mistake on your part, and the whole band could fall apart. Nevertheless, the drums are still one of my favourite instruments though my drumming's gotten really darn rusty...
Have to post a second reply because since the site was revamped, I can't edit my posts.

Anyway, was going to add that I think of the drumset as a mixture of different percussion pieces and hence it's more difficult than a solitary percussion instrument. Perhaps a solitary percussion instrument like the triangle would be among the easiest, but I don't quite see an application for it in modern music where everything's synthesizers, electric guitars, electronic drums even.
Whoa drums? No way man. Rudiments are still a killer. For most people no, but it's still hard lah. Haha and yep, as long as you have the passion, impossible is nothing. ;)
If you intend to be an advanced mean muh****er then any instrument in a band context(drums, bass, guitar) will be tough. But personally as a guitar player I find it hard because there is just too many ways to play that instrument, so you can never be really good unless you put a lot of time into it.