Where to buy Dimarzio Area 58s? Views on Tesla VR1 Pickups?


New member
Hey guys,
i've been looking to replace my middle and neck pickups on my strat. The Dimarzio Area 58s seem to stand out in my list at the moment...lol...where can i get Dimarzio Area 58s in s'pore??

i'm also considering the Tesla VR1 single coils, the sound clips were great...and the added bonus is that standard value brings it in and mike's pickup-changing and guitar servicing service is just first class...lol...any of u came across Tesla VR1 pickups before? =)
I have Tesla VR-1 pickups in my CIJ Fender Strat. Awesome tone. Very versatile n handles classic rock, blues and some metal haha :) It handles distortion well. Go ahead and put them in your strat. Don't think too much. Just do it! Hahaha :)