Where/how to get gigs?


New member
How to get gigs?

i'm just wondering..... how does a band get to play in the gig? the first thing they have to do and the last? what's the usual price to pay?
pay to get into gigs? i dunno. Our band usually just gets gigs through contacts of ours. I mean, when people know you have a band they sorta want to ask you to perform at all sorts of events.
just use simple recording devices lah, microphones or whatnot. an 80 dollar microphone can give you pretty decent recordings.

build a public profile, get people to know about you.

connections, connections. make them. approach gig organizers. if you can, get them to check your band out when you jam or something.
visa:$80?wat about thise $25 tt u can get at best denki?

how to record?wat do u mean by cheap recording devices?
ehhh. just use any recording equipment lah. mp3 players or md or whatever.

basically just get heard, however you do it.
i only have acoustic demos...... if i want to add drums... i want a real drum bat rather than midi beats..... where can all these gig organisers be found? i don't have much contacts with these kinda people... where do i start? anyone wanna intro me? hahah.... :lol:
i think there are no less than 10 gig organisers on SOFT.

let's play my 6 years old niece fav game - "Let's pretent". put yourself in their shoe. what can i do to make you(organiser) want to take me(band) to play in your gig. :wink:

as to where to find them - go check out gigs that plays the kind of music your band plays. do everything you can to find out who is the organiser, introduce yourself to them, pass them your press kit and demo.

if you are good with computer and internet stuff, build yourself a webpage, ask all your friends to check it out. then hopefully they will forward it around and someone could pick you guys up.
wangdexian said:
Promote your band, contact gig organisers...

Sorry for asking stupid questions...
How to become a gig organiser? Must tie up with anyone? Must pay to organise a gig?

Any softies who are gig organisers? Care to share your experience?
Sorry again for asking stuipd questions :smt075
check the forums regularly, i'm sure you'll find something.

don't forget to always specify your....

genre....bandname....contactdetails..... yeah you know what i mean!